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Star Trac Exercise Bike Review
Commercial Grade Fitness Bikes and Spin® Bikes

Star Trac LogoStar Trac is well known for their commercial grade fitness equipment and for their success in producing the legendary Spinner® brand Spin® Bikes which have become the most widely used Spin® Bikes in the world.

Star Trac Health & Fitness, Inc. (of Irvine Ca.) started out as Flex Fitness Inc. which was founded in 1979. The company name was changed when it was acquired by Star Trac UK Ltd., and the company has grown to be an major player in commercial quality fitness equipment.

If you have ever ridden a Star Trac Exercise Bike at a fitness center, which would not be at all unusual since they are one of the top brands selected by fitness centers, then you already know how comfortable, durable and stable these bikes are.

Although Star Trac Fitness Bikes are also sold online for residential use, these bikes are expensive. The term Overpriced would be appropriate for many of the Star Trac models that are sold online for residential use.

The Star Trac Spin® Bikes (including the Spinner® brand Spin® Bikes) are also very expensive although they tend to be a little more realistic for high-end Spin® Bikes than their Upright and Recumbent models (especially considering Star Trac's history in the Spin® Bike industry).

Note: Amazon offers a good selection of Star Trac bikes in addition to free shipping on most models. Go to Star Trac Fitness Bikes/Amazon for the latest selection and deals. *

Star Trac Health & Fitness, Inc. - Uncertain Future

Star Trac has gone through some tough times recently. The company has had employee layoffs in August, 2010 and May, 2011. I have also talked with one fitness center employee who explained to me that they were having a difficult time getting replacement parts on some of their Star Trac equipment.

Please don't read this the wrong way and assume that I am predicting the company to go under or anything. These are just a few of the difficulties that I have heard about recently and that I wanted to pass along.

On the positive side, I have also read a more recent article on The Club Industry Show In Chicago, dated 10/17/2011 where Star Trac representatives were quoted as saying "Star Trac's turnaround is certainly underway and a slew of new customers and new products is moving that company forward !"

My point here is that there is some uncertainty about Star Trac's future at this time and that the company could go either way.

Star Trac Stationary Bikes

Star Trac S-RB RecumbentStar Trac Stationary Bikes, are commercial grade products that are made to handle multiple users, constant adjustment changes, higher weight usage, and long hours of use each day.

Many of Star Trac's Fitness Bikes are self-powered (via a self-contained power supply). Not only does this allow you to place them anywhere, but you are also using the power of your own workout to help our save energy resources and reduce pollution.

Keep in mind that even though Star Trac Upright and Recumbent models are commercial grade products they are still very expensive. When you are looking for the best high end commercial grade stationary bikes, you will also want to see the Life Fitness Brand Bikes and the Precor Stationary Bikes.

Star Trac Spin® Bikes and a Brief Spin® Bike History

"Spinning" or Group Indoor Cycling was started by Johnny Goldberg (aka: Johnny G) in the 1980s. Schwinn was the first fitness company licensed to produce the Spin® Bikes for Johnny G's Mad Dogg Athletics, Inc. (from 1995-2001). Star Trac Spinner NXT 7090

In 2002 Star Trac became the official manufacturer of the Spinner® brand Spin® Bikes which went on to become the most widely used Spin® Bikes in the world.

A lot has changed since the early days of Spinning®, but the traditional Spin® Bike design has remained very similar to the original design and Star Trac continues to produce Spin® Bikes (for commercial and residential use).

About-Bicycles Brand Review - Star Trac

I recently had the opportunity to workout on a Star Trac Recumbent (model RBX) and a Star Trac Upright (model UBX) along with 5 other commercial grade stationary bikes at our park district fitness center.

Both Star Trac (Recumbent and the Upright) were Smooth, Quiet, Stable and Comfortable (as I would expect from commercial grade bikes). I liked the multiple riding positions that the Star Trac Upright model had but did not like that the Star Trac Recumbent had upper handlebars only. I would expect both upper and lower handlebars for this kind of bike.

Star Trac does not have the selection of fitness bikes online that they once had and what they do have is very expensive so I can't give Star Trac an unqualified buy recommendation.

When you are looking for the best high end commercial grade stationary bikes, I would recommend that you see Life Fitness Brand and the Precor Brand Bikes.

Star Trac's Spin® Bikes are more still expensive but more reasonably priced then their Upright and Recumbent models. These bikes should be considered when you are looking for a high end Spin® Bike.

Star Trac Fitness Bike Reviews

Although the Star Trac models that we have previously reviewed are no longer being sold online (new), the company has recently come out with some new models in all categories (upright, recumbent and indoor cycle). See the Amazon Link button above for the latest Star Trac models for sale online.

SPIN®, SPINNER® and SPINNING® are registered trademarks identifying Mad Dogg Athletics, and its indoor cycling goods and services.