About-Bicycles > Fitness Bikes > Brand Reviews > Weslo Fitness Bikes Review

Weslo Exercise Bike Review
Cheap Stationary Bikes

Weslo LogoWeslo Exercise Bikes are some of the lowest priced fitness bikes that you will find in stores or online. They generally cost from just over $100 to just over $200 and you will get what you pay for. In other words, these are cheap exercise bikes that may have problems and will most likely not last long (if you use them at all).

These low cost machines should only be considered if you are on a very tight budget or if you only intend your stationary bike to be for very limited or light use. Even when you are on a tight budget, you can often get much better fitness bikes on sale for a small increase in price. Weslo Pursuit Recumbent

For the next step up in affordable fitness bikes and indoor cycles (which is highly recommended) See: Schwinn Brand Fitness Bikes (for budget Uprights and Recumbents) and see Proform Brand Reviews (for budget Fitness Bikes and a large selection of indoor cycles).

If you are still interested in a Weslo Brand Bike  see the easy Amazon links below for a good selection of these products. You may also want to read the "Note on Fitness Product Customer Reviews" below before you buy.

Note: For a good selection of Weslo Stationary Bikes and Indoor Cycles see Weslo Brand Bikes at Amazon.com.*

Weslo Stationary Bikes are made by Icon Fitness (the largest fitness equipment manufacturer in the world and maker of Nordic Track and Proform fitness equipment). Unfortunately, the Weslo brand bikes that they produce are the bottom line and are not even close to the quality of their other brands.

A Note on Fitness Product Customer Reviews:

Finding and Reading Customer Reviews on Fitness Bikes (or other fitness equipment) online, to help you decide which model is right for you and which is the best value, has become very popular these days. Unfortunately, there are some flaws with this process especially when it comes to lower end equipment.

Many of the customer reviews that you read online are written right after the product has been purchased or when it is still very new. Many people are happy with their purchase and especially in the beginning if they got their product for a very low price. This can be misleading if these cheaper products do not last as long as the customer expects and you do not hear about the problems that occur later on.

One difference that I have noticed with Customer Reviews of low end products compared with those of high end products is that the cheaper products seem to have a much wider variety of ratings (many 1 star reviews as well as many 5 star reviews) whereas the higher end products seem to rate at the top much more consistently.

There is a wide variety of ratings with Weslo Stationary Bike Customer Reviews. You will find quite a few 5 star ratings as well as many 1 star ratings. The overall average rating often ends up higher due to the people that are happy with the low price that that got and have not used the product for long if at all.

About-Bicycles Brand Review - Weslo

In general, you will get what you pay for and I would not recommend Weslo Stationary Bikes (or fitness products). They are known for being noisy, unstable, having cheap parts and assembly problems.

I have had a hard time finding the warranties on many of the Weslo models so I'm not even sure if they all have warranties. The warranties that I did find were "90-day parts and labor warranty" and that's it. So if you are OK with a bike that may last as long as 90 days, then Weslo may be a good choice.

Seriously though, for the next step up in affordable fitness bikes, I would highly recommend that you see: Schwinn Stationary Bikes (for budget Uprights and Recumbents) or Proform Fitness Bikes (for mid-range and some budget products).

When you are looking for a good cycling workout and really want to keep your costs down, you may also want to consider Bike Trainers (which are exercise bike stands that you use for your outdoor bike).

Budget Exercise Bikes, like the majority of Weslo's models, are flimsy, can be noisy, do not support heavier users or more serious workouts and will not usually last very long (if you use them at all).

In the end it is up to you to make the best decision based on the facts that you have available to you, of course (and I hope that the information presented here can help you with your decision).

Weslo Stationary Bike Reviews

We do not have reviews on individual Weslo Brand bike models.
For a good selection of Weslo Brand Bikes, See the Amazon link button above.