About-Bicycles > Bike Trails > Elroy-Sparta-Bike-Trail > 2006 Elroy Sparta Trail Photos

The Elroy-Sparta Bike Trail, Fall 2006

Article and Photos by: Dale Kiffel

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Bridge crossing I90 just outside of Sparta.
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One of the few blooming flowers of the fall.
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Something out of the ordinary on the bike trail.

The Elroy Sparta State Trail is a 32 mi rails to trails endeavor and follows the abandoned Chicago and Northwestern railroad bed. The trail traverses farmlands, rolling hills, and small communities. It has 3 cavernous tunnels, the longest being 3/4 of a mile long. A flashlight is necessary for this trip. It passes through the communities of Elroy, Kendall, Wilton, Norwalk, and Sparta. The Elroy Sparta Trail was the 1st rails to trails conversion in the nation and is still one of the most popular. The trail lives up to the hype and will be sure not to disappoint.

The trip was made on a Bacchetta Giro 26 recumbent during the last week of summer and began in Sparta.

Here's a copy of the bike trail map of the Elroy-Sparta Trail that I had from a Bike 4 Trails brochure (you will want to click on it for the full size version).

Elroy-Sparta Bike Trail Map
(click to enlarge)

The Elroy-Sparta Bike Trail Fall 2006, Photo Page
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Ben Bikin greets you at the park in Sparta at the corner of Hwy 16 and Water Street.

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Ben peddling near the world's tallest bicycle.

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Bridge crossing I90 just outside of Sparta.

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Small bridge crossing small creek.

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The Elroy Sparta Trail is well maintained.

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Typical views of this portion of the trail.

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Some Poplar trees were just starting to turn color.

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About 5-6 miles out of Sparta, you cross Javelin Road, and come across some great views of farmlands and rolling hills.

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Tri-Creek watershed project by the flood water retarding damn for flood prevention, built in 1975.

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Just outside Tunnel #3.

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Silhouette of the Bacchetta.
The caves are dark, damp, ominous, and cool. Water drips on you as you walk along. The stronger the flashlight you bring the better.

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A winding Hwy T, 1 mi east of Tunnel #3.

It was a cool fall day, about 9.5 mi out of Sparta and I had still not seen another bicyclist.
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Small bridge with a lot of character just outside of Norwalk. It appears the rails are remnants from the original rail line.

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Tunnel #2.
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Marshes and farmland taken from a dilapidated bridge, just east of Wilton.

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Cows drink water from a brook.

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Here's a very nice couple from Green Bay Wisconsin. I was careful not to mention the recent drubbing of the Packers by the Bears. As you can see from the picture, the license plate on their golf cart reads, "OLDFART". They said they had permission to use the cart on the trail by the Department of Natural Resources (DNR). They were going up and down the trail having a good time. They even brought their Yorkie with them. Mr Old Fart told me how the gates to the tunnels are closed in November and that there are trails that go up and over the hills. He said that when the trains were in existence, they had 2 engines, one in the front and one in the back. The one in back was called the pusher. The amount of smoke generated by 2 engines must have been enormous. Boy! Can old people talk! Ah well... I guess my day is coming soon enough...

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One of the few blooming flowers of the fall, taken just off of Logan Road.

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Dairy and farmland, plus rolling hills about 2.5 miles west of Tunnel #1.

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The next few pictures are of Tunnel #1.

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Here's a nice gentleman from Appleton Wisconsin, who had also lived in Kankakee Illinois for awhile. He offered to take my picture (next).

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My Bacchetta and I outside the tunnel.

The Elroy-Sparta bike trail, fall 2006 photo tour.

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Elroy-Sparta Bike Trail Photos

Here's the photo tour of the Elroy-Sparta Trail, from Sparta south and east to Elroy. These pictures are from late July (2003).

Elroy-Sparta Bike Trail Home Page