About Bicycles Online > Fitness Bikes > NordicTrack GX4.2 Upright Review

NordicTrack GX4.2 Pro Exercise Bike Review

The NordicTrack GX4.2 Upright Exercise Bike is NordicTrack's fully loaded, high-end upright bike designed more for cyclists than their other upright and recumbent models. NordicTrack GX4.2 Upright Exercise Bike

The seat is fully adjustable (horizontally and vertically) of course, you get a Polar® Wireless Chest Strap for more accurate HR readings, a water bottle holder, easily adjustable pedal straps to better utilize more of your leg muscles and the handlebars are angled more forward than their other upright models.

It can be hard to put in the hours that you really should on a stationary bike in order to stay in shape all year long since you are indoors (usually) and well... stationary.

Fortunately the GX4.2 also comes with some fun, boredom-breaking features ~ including 28 Built-in Workout Apps, an iPod/MP3 Jack and Built-in Speakers and, of course the iFit compatible console for when you are ready for the full blown, interactive, "where did the time go" workout experience. :-)

Note: The Nordic Track GX4.2 Pro Upright is currently unavailable (was selling from NordicTrack for $499).

This model has been replaced with the newer, upgraded GX4.4 Pro and GX4.6 Pro (more on this newer models soon). See NordicTrack Uprights for the latest deals, reviews and videos or to purchase this bike online.

iFit and Motivational Features of the GX4.2 Upright

OK, you know that you are going to get the built-in workout programs (now usually referred to as Workout Apps) with just about any mid-range or better fitness bike. The GX4.2 just gives you quite a few more (28 total) for additional variety.  Also most  exercise bikes come with iPod/MP3 player jacks and speakers in the console these days which is actually very nice.

The biggest motivational and/or entertainment feature of the GX4.2 is actually the iFit compatible console. The iFit technology has been around for quite a while now and is available on most of the newer fitness bikes that are made by Icon Fitness (makers of NordicTrack, Proform, Healthrider, FreeMotion and other brands).

The iFit features are optional on this bike which is nice in that you don't need to pay for it if you just aren't interested but unfortunate if you would like to use these features since you'll need to fork out around $100 more for the iFit adapter which will also usually get you an iFit user account for a year.

Briefly what you get with the iFit technology is the option to wirelessly connect to the internet (via wi-fi) to:

  • Download apps (workout programs designed by certified trainers).
  • Download existing routes and rides from all over the world (via Google Maps™).
  • Download your own custom routes and rides (like a favorite local ride or bike trail).
  • To compete with others.
  • Upload the workout data from your exercise bike to your iFit account to analyze, track and/or share with family or friends.
  • Track your ride interactively via a map of your course or with Google Maps™ Street View ~ where it is available. This requires and a separate device and browser (for example: a laptop, tablet, smartphone).

When you download a route to your bike, the iFit technology, that is built into the bike, adjusts the bikes resistance by following the actual terrain of the course (going uphill on your ride will be more difficult and going downhill will be easier).

This is part of the same technology that made the Proform TDF Indoor Cycle so popular. The Proform TDF also includes more advanced features but then again that bike is also quite a bit more expensive.

NordicTrack Upright Bike Comparisons

NordicTrack usually has a limited selection of Upright Fitness Bikes available at any point in time. At the time of this review, there are only 2 Upright models (not counting the Sport Bike, which is in a different category) for sale on the NordicTrack website, the GX2.5 and the GX4.2, (these are the current years models).

The NordicTrack GX4.2 is the more expensive fully-loaded model. You will get quite a few more features with this exercise bike but it is also quite a bit more expensive than the GX2.5.

Since I have become very familiar with the current models here is a summary of what you get with the GX4.2 Pro that you do not get the GX2.5 to help you decide which bike is best for you.

The extra features that you get with the GX4.2 include the Polar® Wireless Chest Strap, 28 apps (vs 20), the console fan, 22 resistance levels (vs 20), 300lb limit (vs 275lb limit), 5 inch console display (vs 4 inch) and water bottle holder. The handlebars are angled more forward than on the GX2.5.

About-Bicycles Review

NordicTrack has been making very good quality, mid-range fitness equipment for years and their fitness bikes are usually better quality than other brands in their price range. 

The NordicTrack GX4.2 Upright Bike is priced a little high right now but NordicTrack is known to have good sales and promotions on their website from time to time so it would be best to stay on top of the NT sales and to try to get this bike when the price has dropped a little.

If you like the NordicTrack brand and are looking for an Upright Exercise Bike then you may want to check out the NordicTrack Upright Bike Comparisons above to decide it the GX4.2 is best for you and worth the extra cost.

Where to Buy:

When you get this bike online, be sure to purchase it from a reliable and reputable online store. If you find slightly lower prices from merchants that you've never heard of, be sure to check out their reputation.

The online stores that we have linked to above are known to have low prices, free shipping and reliable customer service.

NordicTrack GX4.2 Features at a Glance:

  • CardioGrip™ Heart Rate Monitor with Polar® Wireless Chest Strap NordicTrack GX4.2 ConsoleIncluded
  • iFit® Technology Compatible*
  • 28 Workout Apps
  • 22 Digital Resistance Levels
  • CoolAire™ Workout Fan
  • Compatible Music Port for iPod®
  • Fully Adjustable Seat with Padding
  • 300 lb. Weight Capacity
  • 5" Backlit Display
  • Water Bottle Holder
  • Transport Wheels
  • AC Power adapter
  • Footprint 43.5" L x 24.85" W x 59.5" H


Lifetime frame
1-year parts and labor.