About-Bicycles > Bike Trails > Palatine Trail

The Palatine Bike Trail Photos
Steep Hill to Deere Grove

Bridge before monster hill on Palatine Trail
Continuing our trip on the Palatine Trail (heading north at this point), just past the pavilion and the Robert “Dutch” Schultz park (in the Palatine Hills Golf Course area) you will come to this bridge before the monster hill (the biggest one on this trail anyway).

Steep hill on trail
Out of breath! Looking back at the hill I just came up... The photo above is at the top of the steep hill just past the golf course and park. You can really fly down this hill but there are other riders and pedestrians around so I would suggest taking it easy here. My wife wiped out on this hill one time years ago when there were wet leaves on the trail. We were fortunate that she was not hurt badly.

I actually keep a bike bell on my bike (I know it sounds corny but it is practical) to let other people on the trails know that I'm coming (rather than having to yell out "on you left" (or right or whatever) all the time (although I may need to use that as a backup if they don't seem to hear my bell)). My point for bring this up is that I also use my bell when coming down steep hills or around blind corners to let people, that may or may not be there, know that someone is coming.

End of Palatine Trail at Dundee Road
This is pretty much the end of the Palatine Trail (At Dundee Road). Actually you can continue on a path next to Dundee Road (the photo below) into Deer Grove Forest Preserve but I don't really consider that the actual trail. It is more like a connection between the Palatine Trail and the Deer Grove Trails.

Palatine Bike Trail along Dundee Road
This is the little Stretch that runs along Dundee Road just before you reach Deer Grove FP.

Deer Grove trail entrance
There is a fairly busy intersection at Dundee and Quentin Roads but there is a light and well marked cross walks. The photo above is where you would get on to the Deer Grove trails from this intersection.  Deer Grove (west) has a great selection of paved and mountain trails (flat lander versions anyway).

The Palatine bike trail photo tour, from Maple Park to Deer Grove (May, 2003).

Palatine Trail Photos 1 - Maple Park to Hicks Road Underpass - East
Palatine Trail Photos 2 - Hicks Road to Library
Palatine Trail Photos 3 - Smith Road to Golf Course - West
Palatine Trail Photos 4 - Steep Hill to Deere Grove< You are here

Continue on to the Deer Grove Photo Tour... Deer Grove Bike Path