About Bicycles Online > Bicycle Touring and Trails > Ahnapee Trail

Ahnapee Trail Photos
Farms and Wetlands

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Stop Ahead signs on the Ahnapee Trail

OK, I thought that the "Stop Ahead" signs on this trail were really funny for us bike riders. They were so far before the actual stop sign that you would forget that there was a "stop ahead" by the time that you got there.

OK, later I realized that I think they allow snowmobiles on this trail so it would make sense for them.

Wide view of the Ahnapee Trail

Here's a Panoramic, wide view of the Ahnapee Trail in one of the open areas.

Panoramic, wide view of Ahnapee Trail

Here's another wide view of the Trail in a slightly more shaded and wooded area as we passed through farm country.

Barn along the bike trail

Here's a view of the trail as we pass by an old barn.

This is where the trail runs through one of the more wet, swampy areas. This is not a good place to stop late in the afternoon on a warm day. I was starting to get attacked by bugs when I stopped briefly for this photo. I think I stopped around here earlier in the day and it was OK.

Bike Rider riding through Ahnapee wetlands *

Here's a bike rider (OK, it's me!) riding through the same swampy, wetlands area.

Cattails along Ahnapee Trail*

Dale got some nice HDR photos of the cattails along this part of the trail. Most were in the blown apart fluffy stage.


Ahnapee Trail Photo Tour

Here's the photo tour of the Door County Ahnapee Trail from Sturgeon Bay to Algoma. These rides were from June, 2018.

Ahnapee Trail Home

Ahnapee Trail Photos 1 ~ North to Forestville
Ahnapee Trail Photos 2 ~ Farms and Wetlands < you are here 
Ahnapee Trail Photos 3 ~ Wetlands to Sturgeon Bay and Algoma

Photos © Copyright Rob Chapman, about-bicycles.com. Photos with * Copyright Dale Kiffel.


Here's the photo tour of the Door County Ahnapee Trail from Sturgeon Bay to Algoma from September, 2003.

Ahnapee Trail Photos:  Sturgeon Bay to Algoma.
Ahnapee Trail Photos:   Forestville to Casco.

All Photos this section are © Copyright Dale Kiffel.


Articles Photos and Video by Rob Chapman and Dale Kiffel