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Kankakee River Trail Photos
Suspension Bridge to Tall Trees and NW Trail Head

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Suspension bridge on Kankakee River Trail

Above is a photo of the green suspension bridge over Rock Creek a little further northwest on the trail. This bridge is barely wide enough for a person going each direction and, as is the case with these kinds of bridges, bounced and swayed as we crossed over it.

Bridge as seen from Rock Creek on KRT*

From a different perspective, Dale took this HDR photo down by the water and looking up at one of the other bridges over the creek. I believe that the bridge in this photo is Route 102.

Paved part of KRT through the woods

Here's another wooded part of the trail just past the suspension bridge. The trail is paved and in great condition here.

KRT passing under highway

Here the trail passes underneath a highway. This particular part of the path was actually pretty hilly and curvy. Nothing that difficult though.

Kankakee River trail and  Chippewa Campground

Here is the abandoned campground ~ or Ghost Campground as I liked to call it. This is called the Kankakee River State Park, Chippewa Campground. We rode into the campground to check it out and also took a break at a picnic table. We were the only ones there... aside from the vultures circling above us... :-)

8 mile marker Kankakee Trail

This is the tall trees area near the northwest end of the trail. I'm not sure where mile zero is relative to the "8 miles" sign above. My GPS trip meter showed the trail as about 11 miles each way so I wondered if this was 8 miles from the paved part of the trail.

Tall Trees on Kankakee Trail

I loved the winding path, tall trees and shaded woods on this part of the trail This photo was just before we got to where we parked on the northwest end of the trail.

Route 55 Mural on building in Wilmington

I loved this mural on the side of this old brick building in Wilmington. This town was on the historic Route 66 ~ which is now route 53 through Wilmington.

I liked this town and we had dinner here at a restaurant called Hayden's Crossing. The meal and everything else about this restaurant was excellent. I would highly recommend it if you pass through this town.


Kankakee River Trail Photo Tour

Here's the photo tour of the Kankakee River Trail with plenty of first hand riding details. This ride was from June, 2016.

Kankakee River Trail Home

Kankakee River Trail Photos 1 - Starting at Davis Campground
Kankakee River Trail Photos 2 - Viewing Platform and Covered Bridge
Kankakee River Trail Photos 3 - Suspension Bridge to Tall Trees
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Photos © Copyright Rob Chapman, about-bicycles.com. Photos with * Copyright Dale Kiffel.