About-Bicycles > Bike Trails > I&M Canal Bike Trail

I&M Canal Bike Trail Fall Photos
West of Utica to Split Rock

Fall Photo Page 12
(click on any photo to enlarge)
Blue Heron in water by canal bike trail*

We saw this blue heron a little further west of Utica on the I&M canal trail and were actually able to get fairly close before it flew off.

Blue heron flying low over I&M Canal wetland*

Dale managed to get some photos of the blue heron flying off to its next location. We caught up to the heron a few more times and repeated the whole scene again each time.

I&M canal wetland and fall color*

Above is a view from of the canal from the I&M canal trail with a reflection of the fall colors in the water below. 

I&M Canal Trail and the canal with fall colored trees

This close to where we turned around on the canal trail (just before Split Rock). Split Rock is actually only a few miles from the western end of the trail in the Lasalle, Peru area but based on our ride time and how much daylight we had to get back we were already cutting it pretty close so we were not actually able to make it to the western end of the trail (so close though). It did start to get pretty dark just as we got back to where we parked.

View of Split Rock from Canal bike trail

At first I thought that Split Rock might be a town or something but it turns out that it is just what is says. A "Split Rock" (with a tunnel going through it). This is where we turned around to go back east again (we needed to get back before we ran out of daylight).

Mile marker on I&M Canal bike trail

Earlier I had mentioned that there are mile markers all along the trail to let you know where you are. Here is an example which shows that we were 3.5 miles from Buffalo State Park at this point. There is also interesting information on the I&M Canal on each of these signs.  This particular sign talks about the canal closing in 1933 and the parts that remain but are no longer visable.

Colorful autumn colors on IM Canal trail*

A very colorful view of the I&M Trail with a small opening in the trees off in the distance.

The photo tour of the I&M Canal Trail, as we headed west from Channahon (going west) to Marseilles (August 2003).

I&M Canal Trail Photos 1 - Starting in Channahon
I&M Canal Trail Photos 2 - Passing McKinley Woods
I&M Canal Trail Photos 3 - Stratton State Park near Morris
I&M Canal Trail Photos 4 - West of Stratton State Park
I&M Canal Trail Photos 5 - Wetlands and Seneca
I&M Canal Trail Photos 6 - Near Marseilles
I&M Canal Trail Photos 7 - Back to Morris

Here are the fall photos of our trip from Marseilles to Split Rock ~ Just before La Salle, Illinois on 10/15/2012.

I&M Canal Trail Fall Photos 8 ~ Marseilles and Ottawa
I&M Canal Trail Fall Photos 9 ~ Locks 11 and 12
I&M Canal Trail Fall Photos 10 ~ East of Utica
I&M Canal Trail Fall Photos 11 ~ Into Utica
I&M Canal Trail Fall Photos 12 ~ Utica to Split Rock < You are here
I&M Canal Trail Fall Photos 13 ~ Ghost Bridge
I&M Canal Trail Fall Photos 14 ~ Back to Marsielles

Here's the GPS Map of the ride above.

Photos © Copyright Rob Chapman, about-bicycles.com. Photos with * Copyright Dale Kiffel.