About Bicycles Online > Bicycle Touring and Trails > Jane Addams Bike Trail

The Jane Addams Bike Trail Photos
From Freeport Heading North

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The Southern End of the Jane Addams Bike Trail

Here is where a view of the Jane Addams Bike Trail as we started our trip just past the trail head at the southern end of the trail. There is a parking area at the southern end of the trail off of Fairview Road just south or Route 20 and north of Freeport, Illinois.

Recumbent Rider on the Jane Addams Trail

My friend , Dale on his Tour Easy recumbent, passing by some rocky scenery as we started our trip. The Tour Easy recumbent that he rides is a Long Wheel Base (LWB) recumbent (with the pedals behind the front wheel).

Dale had previously ridden a Bacchetta Short Wheel Base (SWB) recumbent (which has the pedals below the front wheel). I have ridden both of these bikes on different trails and they are really comfortable on long rides. I personally I like the LWB model better. It just seems a little more stable to me.

Jane Addams Trail shallow rock walls

Passing by some of the shallower rock wall passages (sorry I took this photo while riding (as I often do) and it's a little blurry). One of my favorite things about this bike trail are the parts where you have rock walls on both side and feel like you are riding through a rocky, green valley.

Cedarville Snow Club sign

This is near Cedarville and the sign is for the "Cedarville Snow Club". It looks like this is a big snowmobile area in the winter to me. You don't actually ride through the town Cedarville on the trail since it is a few miles east of the trail.

An old country house in need of repair along the trail

OK, it looks kind of junky, but I had to get a photo of this old house, that is in bad need of repair, along the trail to capture some the feel of the ride in this area.

The Jane Addams Trail MAP

Here's a little resting area and map of the trail. This is the map that I included on the main Jane Addams Trail page.

A bridge along the Jane Addams Trail

One of the many wooden bridges along the trail. This is actually one of the longer bridges and I believe this one is just before you cross Cedarville Road (heading north).

A stream along the trail

A glimpse of one of the wandering streams than you pass by or pass over.

Coming up to one of the steep rock wall areas

This is as we come into the steeper rock wall area.

Here's the photo tour of the Jane Addams Bike trail from October, 2010.

The Jane Addams Trail Photos 1 - From Freeport Heading North < you are here
The Jane Addams Trail Photos 2 - To The Wisconsin Border