About Bicycles Online > Bicycle Touring and Trails > Skokie Valley Bike Path

The Skokie Valley Bike Path Photos
Northern Section Starting in Lake Bluff

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The northern end of the Skokie Valley Bike Path

Here is where I got on the trail after parking in Lake Bluff and taking the North Shore Trail (which runs alongside of Route 176) to the northern end of the Skokie Valley Bike Path.

Power Lines on Skokie Valley Bike Trail

A typical view of the straight and flat bike path with power lines above. This bike trail runs parallel to Skokie Hwy, Skokie Valley Road (route 41) which is most likely where the trail got its name. This trail does not go into the town of Skokie.

The Yellow Bridge on the Skokie Valley Bike Trail

This yellowish tunnel is one of the more distinguishing sites along the Skokie Valley Bike Trail (this is a view of the tunnel as I was heading south on the trail).

Daiseys and Memorial on Skokie Valley Trail

Just part the yellow tunnel there is a nice memorial (in the distance). There were also some daisies and wildflowers in this are so I included the daisies in this photo.

Power Lines along the bike trail

More power lines along the Skokie Valley Trail. You are far enough from the highway here so you do not see it but the trail also runs parallel to a railroad line which is visible from the trail in many locations.

Bike Trail maintained by Lake Forest

This bike path is maintained by Lake Forest and the Lake County division of Transportation as you see posted all along the trail with the trail signs. This part of the trail runs through part of the town of Lake Forest.

Deerpath sign on Skokie Bike Trail

There are a few green patches along the trail as shown here by the Deerpath sign. This is just west of the Deerpath golf course and just before you go over Deerpath Road and cross to the other side of Skokie Hwy.

High Tension Wires Skokie Valley Trail

Straight, Flat and Paved. Not much to look at but there are not a lot of intersections either so you can get a good work out.

Old Elm Road intersection on bike path

OK, you go over or under most major intersections on this bike path but there are a few roads that you have to cross like this one at Old Elm Road. The sign on the right says there is a bike path heading east from here and the sign on the left is for the North Shore 1/2 Marathon.

Here's the photo tour of the Skokie Valley Bike Path from June, 2012.

Skokie Valley Bike Path Photos 1 - Northern Section < you are here
Skokie Valley Bike Path Photos 2 - Southern Section to Highland Park