About-Bicycles > Fitness Bikes > Brand Reviews > Stamina Stationary Bikes Review

Stamina Exercise Bike Review
Innovative Fitness Equipment, Low Cost Stationary Bikes

Stamina LogoStamina Products, Inc., founded in 1987 and headquartered in Springfield, Missouri, has 2 key strengths. First off they have very innovative designs and products and secondly they make very cheap stationary bikes and fitness equipment.

Stamina has a large selection of fitness bikes and although the vast majority of their products are entry-level, budget models, they also produce some mid-range models and some interesting and innovative hybrid fitness bikes / fitness products.

When it comes to fitness equipment, for the most part, you will get what you pay for. This is very true for Stamina's low cost, stationary bikes. These low cost models are entry-level machines that should only be considered if you are on a tight budget or if you only intend your bike to be for very limited or light use.

If you are on a tight budget or if you are looking for a unique fitness style bike, mini-exercise bike, bike/rower or semi-recumbent for example, then Stamina has some innovative and low cost products to consider. 

Stamina Fitness Bike Reviews

Stamina 4545 Recumbent

Stamina 15-9003 Dual Action Recumbent Rower

Stamina 15-0200 Semi-Recumbent Folding Bike

Stamina's Innovative Fitness Bikes and Hybrid EquipmentStamina Dual Action Recumbent

Stamina was one of the first companies to produce fitness equipment for Infomercials. I believe that this is one of the reasons why they have such a large selection of exercise bike hybrid models.  

One of the models that we have reviewed on this site quite a while back is the Stamina 15-9003 Dual Action Recumbent Rower. This machine is a combination recumbent exercise bike and rowing machine which gives you the advantage of getting both upper and/or lower body workouts.

Another one of Stamina's more unique models is the Stamina 15-0200 Semi-Recumbent Folding Bike. This machine is a semi-recumbent stationary bike (cross between a recumbent and an upright) which also has a folding feature for compact storage.

About-Bicycles Brand Review - Stamina

You need to be careful when considering low-cost budget stationary bikes and/or innovative fitness products like the products that Stamina produces.

In general, you will get what you pay for and I would not recommend Stamina Bikes (or fitness products) unless you are on a very tight budget or if you are looking for one of the unique designs that Stamina manufactures.

If you are just looking for low-cost mini-exercise bike for very casual use, for example, then Stamina has a good selection to consider.

Budget Exercise Bikes, like the majority of Stamina's models, are flimsy, can be noisy, do not support heavier users or more serious workouts and will not usually last very long (if you use them at all).

A Note on Fitness Bike Customer Reviews:

Finding and Reading Customer Reviews of Stationary Bikes (or other fitness equipment) online, to help you decide which model is right for you and which is the best value, has become very popular these days. Unfortunately, there are some flaws with this process especially when it comes to lower end equipment.

Many of the customer reviews that you read online are written right after the product has been purchased or when it is still very new. Many people are happy with their purchase and especially in the beginning if they got their product for a very low price. This can be misleading if these cheaper products do not last as long as the customer expects and you do not hear about the problems that occur later on.

One difference that I have noticed with Customer Reviews of low end products compared with those of high end products is that the cheaper products seem to have a much wider variety of ratings (many 1 star reviews as well as many 5 star reviews) whereas the higher end products seem to rate at the top much more consistently.

There is a wide variety of ratings with Stamina Customer Reviews. You will find quite a few 5 star ratings as well as many 1 star ratings.

In the end it is up to you to make the best decision based on the facts that you have available to you, of course (and I hope that the information presented here can help you with your decision).