About-Bicycles > Bike Trails > Long Prairie Bike Trail

Long Prairie Bike Trail
through Poplar Grove

Rest area along Long Prairie Trail

Here is one of the scenic pull over break areas along the path bike trail. We had just been riding parallel to Route 176 for a few miles at this point (heading south west) between the towns of Capron and Poplar Grove Illinois. I like the way that the rest area and picnic table branch off from the main trail like this since it gives you more space. Of course, since this trail is not crowded at all it is not as necessary here but I wish they used this design on some of the other trails that I have ridden.

Passing through small town on bike trail

Going through the outskirts of one of the Poplar Grove along the path. You actually just feel like you are riding out in a prairie (and into the woods at times) and the towns that you go through are really small and you hardly even feel like you are in a town as you pass through on the trail.

straight and paved Long Prairie Trail

This was kind of an open prairie area although the grasses and vegetation is so high on the sides of the trail it doesn't seem as much like a prairie to me. I guess that the grasses on the prairies get to be pretty high at this time of year. As you can see by the photo this trail is totally straight at this point.

Bike road trip on route 76

We took a little road trip on the side here on route 76, just past route 173. The path crosses 76 and although there is traffic on this highway, the shoulder is wide enough for a ride at this point.

Intersection of 173 and 76

This is the intersection as we returned to the Long Prairie Trail after taking our little side trip on Route 176. Since the Long Prairie Trail is not really all that "long" (as the name implies) you can extend your rides a little on some of the cross roads or you could explore the towns that the LPT goes through if you are feeling adventurous.

Back on the Long Prairie Trail

Getting back on to the Long Prairie path (from route 76 (looking back))

The photo tour of the Long Prairie Trail, from County Line Road (near Capron) to Roland Olson Forest Preserve. These pictures are from August (2003).

Long Prairie Trail Photos 1 - Starting at County Line Road
Long Prairie Trail Photos 2 - Through Poplar Grove < You are here
Long Prairie Trail Photos 3 - Into Roland Olson Forest Preserve