About Bicycles Online > Bicycle Touring and Trails > Hennepin Canal Trail

Hennepin Canal Trail Photos
Northern Canal Ride Back to Rock Falls

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Wide, panoramic view of the Hennepin Canal Trail

This photo is a wide (panoramic) view of the Hennepin Canal Trail as we headed north back to Rock Falls. There is not a lot of variety in the scenery on this trail so this is a wide view of what you see on much of the trail.

Pipe like tunnel under road on Hennepin Trail feeded canal ride.

This photo show one of the pretty basic pipe like tunnels that the HCT goes through as the trail and canal pass under a road.

View of Hennepin Canal from bridge

This photo is a slightly different view of the Hennepin feeder canal and trail that was taken from one of the bridges that the canal passes under. This photo is facing south so the trail is on the right.

Hennepin Canal Trail cement surface passing under a road.

Here is a photo of a more advanced bridge where the HC trail passes under a road. The trail has a cement surface here only because of the bridge intersection.

Tree / Log across the Hennepin Canal Trail

If you have ridden any fairly rugged trails, the log across the trail is not a totally uncommon sight. What is a little scary about this one (for us anyway) is that I took this photo on the way back north and this tree/log was not here on our way south. Glad it missed us!

We actually tried to move this log off the trail but it is much heavier and bulkier than it looks. Us 2 strong macho bikers were not able to move this one. :-)

Fallen Tree creating a tree tunnel on HC trail

This is a different but yet related photo. The "tree tunnel" in this photo is actually a live tree where the top of the tree has fallen over the trail and into the canal. This is just past where the log was in the trail which you can see better in the larger image of this photo (if you click on it).


Paved part of Hennepin Trail with blue herring

The photo above shows the slightly less rugged part of the Hennepin Canal trail where the surface is paved and in better shape.

There is actually a blue herring flying over the canal on the right in this photo. I tried to get the photo when it was closer but those things are very elusive. Once again the enlarged version of this photo will show the herring a little better.

Sunlight through clouds over the Rock RIver *

And finally, Dale got this excellent HDR photo of the sunlight shining through the clouds from the bridge over the Rock RIver after we finished our ride.


Hennepin Canal Trail Photo Tour

Here's the photo tour of the Hennepin Canal Trail with plenty of first hand riding details. This ride was from late September, 2017.

Hennepin Canal Trail (HCT) Home

HCT Photos 1 - Rock River and Northern Canal Ride
HCT Photos 2 - Northern Canal back to Rock Falls < you are here


Hennepin Canal Trail Video on YouTube

Here's the video of the Hennepin Canal Trail that I posted on YouTube.

Hennepin Canal Trail Video

Photos © Copyright Rob Chapman, about-bicycles.com. Photos with * Copyright Dale Kiffel.