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Old Plank Road Trail Photos
Park Forest to Butterfield Creek

(click on any photo to enlarge)

West of Park Forest on OPRT

We continued on our trip heading west on the Old Plank Road Trail (OPRT) from Park Forest. This ride was in early October so, as you can see there were leaves on the trail and although many areas were still green as in the photo above, there were also some fall colors in other places.

OPR Trail near Matteson

We found this park just off the OPR Trail near Matteson and decided that this would be a good place for our lunch break. We rode by a few places to take a break or have a snack but we just found this one at the right time.

Bike Trail bridge over Govenors Highway *

After our lunch break we continued our ride west on the OPRT. The photo above is the bridge where the trail crosses over Governors Highway.

Fall photos along the OPR Bike Trail

As I mentioned above, we were starting to get some nice fall colors in places and Dale stopped to get some close up fall color photos. I just took this one of the photographer in action with my cell phone.

Fall Color Photo from Bike Trail *

And, of course, this is one of the fall color close up photos that  Dale took from just off the trail as shown in the previous photo. There was also some body of water off in the distance here.

GOing Under Interstate 57 on bike trail

Just for perspective and to show where were were at this point, the bridge in the photo above is where the trail goes under Interstate 57.

Wide angle view of Bike Trail and Butterfield Vreek

Just east of Interstate 57 the trail crosses over Butterfield Creek where it almost feels like you are on a bridge with water on both sides. This seemed like a great place to use my panoramic photo option for the wider view.

If you want to see the full wide angle view, click on the photo for the full size version.

OPR Trail crossing Butterfield Creek

The larger part of Butterfield Creek ~ which is really more like a lake at this point ~ is to the left or south of the trail.


Old Plank Road Trail Photo Tour

Here's the photo tour of the Old Plank Road Bike Trail from New Lenox (just east of Joliet) to Park Forest (just west of Chicago Heights). This ride was from October, 2015.

Old Plank Road Trail Home

Old Plank Road Trail Photos 1 - Mokena to Western Ave
Old Plank Road Trail Photos 2 - Park Forest to Butterfield Creek < you are here
Old Plank Road Trail Photos 3 - Hickory Creek Preserve

Photos © Copyright Rob Chapman, about-bicycles.com. Photos with * Copyright Dale Kiffel.