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Old Plank Road Trail Photos
Hickory Creek Preserve

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Wide angle view of Bike Trail and Butterfield Creek

One more wide angle photo as we continued on the Butterfield Creek part of the Old Plank Road Trail. This is just west of Interstate 57.

Pointy Bike Trail suspension bridge at Route 45 *

A little farther west on the trail we came to this very different looking bridge over Route 45 or South La Grange Road. I don't know what you would call this kind of bridge but Dale has a way to catch the unusual perspective of things like this.

Lake photo from Hickory Creek Preserve *

A little further west on the OPR Trail we ran into an entrance into the Hickory Creek Preserve so we took that trail to explore the preserve. Dale took the photo above of a small lake just off the trail.

Hickory Creek Preserve Bike Trail

The photo above is the trail through Hickory Creek Preserve showing where the lake was in the previous photo ~ just off to the right in this photo. This trail was very hilly as it wound its way through the woods. It was very different than the OPRT which was really pretty flat and straight.

Bike Trail bridge in Hickory Creek Preserve *

The bridge in the photo above was just before we got into a very wooded part of the trail and a real steep hill just before this trail ended. The wooded area was nice but the hills here are pretty difficult. I saw a few people walking their bikes up one of the hills.

Here's another view of the bridge with the tall trees in the background and a little bit of fall color starting to show.

Bike trail with late afternoon shadows

It was getting a little later in the day as we made it to the end of the Hickory Creek Trail as you can see by the fence railing shadows in the photo above.

Bike Trail bridge at end of Hickory Creek Preserve

This bridge was near the end of the Hickory Creek Preserve Trail. We wound our way back out of the preserve and back to the Old Plank Road Trail again and continued our trip west.

Unfortunately, I do not have photos from the final western end of our ride through New Lenox and just west of Joliet but it was pretty straight and flat like most of the rest of the Old Plank Road Trail.


Old Plank Road Trail Photo Tour

Here's the photo tour of the Old Plank Road Bike Trail from New Lenox (just east of Joliet) to Park Forest (just west of Chicago Heights). This ride was from October, 2015.

Old Plank Road Trail Home

Old Plank Road Trail Photos 1 - Mokena to Western Ave
Old Plank Road Trail Photos 2 - Park Forest to Butterfield Creek
Old Plank Road Trail Photos 3 - Hickory Creek Preserve < you are here

Photos © Copyright Rob Chapman, about-bicycles.com. Photos with * Copyright Dale Kiffel.