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The Evanston Lakefront Bike Paths Photos
Northwestern University To Evanston Beach

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This is a little further down the Northwestern University part of the lakefront bike path. It has been really dry in the Chicagoland area prior to this photo which probably explains the dried out grass along the trail. One of the things that I like about this part of the trail is that you get that view of the Chicago skyline in the distance.

The lakefront path curves around this part of the shoreline then back to a bridge that crosses this Lake Michigan waterway. This is actually the end of a small peninsula that extends out into lake Michigan.

This is a very wooded and shaded part of the bike path as it passes through a couple of parks and parts of Evanston. Lake Michigan is just off to the left and still very visible here.

A little further down this paved and shady part of the Evanston lakefront bike path. This is either Centennial Park or Dawes Park which are both right off of Sheridan Road (between Sheridan Road and Lake Michigan).

There is a colorful little pond with fountains in Dawes Park between the lakefront bike path and Lake Michigan.

There is a food vendor on the beach here. I'm not sure if they call this a hot dog stand or what. I was just calling it a Snack Shack.

Still paved here and very wooded as we ride further south on the Evanston Lakefront Bike Path.

I passed by a beach at this point where there were quite a few people out wind surfing. Being as windy as it was on this particular day must have made for fun wind sailing on Lake Michigan!

I'm not sure if this guy was coming in or just getting started but I liked the look of this particular boat (wind surf board?)

This sign would explain all the wind surfers here. This sign says "Evanston Beach Office" and "Carry-In Boat Ramp".

Here's the photo tour of the Evanston Lakefront Bike Paths from the Wilmette, Illinois, through Northwestern University, Evanston and to Rogers Ave Beach in Chicago from June, 2012.

Evanston Lakefront Paths Photos 1 - Wilmette to Northwestern Univ.
Evanston Lakefront Paths Photos 2 - NW to Evanston Beach < you are here
Evanston Lakefront Paths Photos 3 - Evanston to Rogers Ave Beach
Evanston Lakefront Paths Photos 4 - Bahai temple and Gillson Beach