About Bicycles Online > Bicycle Touring and Trails > Evanston Lakefront

The Evanston Bike Paths Photos
Evanston Beach to Rogers Ave Beach

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Another nice part of the lakefront bike path. Of course, I call this a "bike path" but there are plenty of walkers, joggers, skate boarders and so on too.

As you look to the left from the path you see the vast Lake Michigan between the trees just over the top of the rock wall.

The preceding photos were from Elliot Park, in Evanston, as you see from this sign as I was leaving the part.

Here is the end of the bike path part of the Evanston Lakefront Bikeways route at Lee Street.

The sign on the post says "Edgemere Court Private Driveway" but it is actually an accessible road that you can ride on (a very short distance) to get to the rest of the trail.

This is the little section on Edgemere that you can take to get to the rest of the bike route.

As you proceed south you can ride on the sidewalk or on the crushed stone path just to the left of the sidewalk.

At this point you ride close to Lake Michigan and the bike path has a crushed stone surface.

This is the sidewalk that runs right next to Sheridan Road ~ Lake Shore Drive ~ as the road curves and continues into Chicago. Pedestrians (walkers, joggers) use the sidewalk too and bikes are supposed to yield to them. It is a little narrow when you need to pass someone.

And to my surprise, here I was in Chicago at Rogers Avenue Beach! I asked a woman who was jogging by if you could get to the Chicago Lakefront Path and how far it was. She told me that you could ride there and it was about a mile and a half. (This woman was really nice and helpful. I thanked her and apologized for interrupting her run) I didn't want to go that far on this ride so this is where I turned back north again.

Here's the photo tour of the Evanston Lakefront Bike Paths from the Wilmette, Illinois, through Northwestern University, Evanston and to Rogers Ave Beach in Chicago from June, 2012.

Evanston Lakefront Paths Photos 1 - Wilmette to Northwestern Univ.
Evanston Lakefront Paths Photos 2 - Northwestern to Evanston Beach
Evanston Lakefront Paths Photos 3 - Evanston to Rogers Ave < you are here
Evanston Lakefront Paths Photos 4 - Bahai temple and Gillson Beach