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The Millennium Trail Photos
Mundelein and Lakewood Forest Preserve

(click on any photo to enlarge)

John Deere Tractor at Lakewood Millennium Trail Parking Lot

This is the deserted parking lot where I parked off of Fairfield Road. The sign in front reads "Lakewood ~ Millennium Trail Parking ~ Winter Sports Area". I shared the lot with one John Deere Tractor!

 Steep Hill on the Millennium Trail

One of the steep hills on the Millennium Trail as you head southeast from the parking Lakewood parking area. You can see the perspective better if you click on the photo for the larger version.

Note: This trail has been expanded a little since these photos were originally taken. The original trails are still the same but I do not have photos of the newer sections *yet).

 Winding Bike Trail in Lake County, Illinois

This is a view of the trail as you head east toward the beginning of the main trail just west of Mundelein.

Davis Lake along the Millennium Trail

You can see Davis Lake in the distance just before a steep hill (or after the hill if you are heading west).

Millennium Trail directional signs

The Millennium Trail is well marked and you may need to check the signs occasionally in order to stay on the main trail.

A turtle on the bike trail

Hello Mr. Turtle! I saw this guy as I was riding by and stopped for a photo. He was waiting for the bike traffic to pass and didn't really feel like posing I guess. He was gone when I came back from the other direction.

The paved Millennium Trail section to Mundelein

This is the eastern part of the "Main" trail. This is still called the Millennium Trail, is paved and goes alongside Route 176 into Mundelein. I did not take this part of the trail.

Mile 0.0 of the Trail

The mile 0.0 marker and the beginning of the main Millennium Trail (heading west and north). This is just west of Gilmer Road at Route 176 (Hawley St)

Winding trail going uphill

The trail starts off here winding uphill.

Bench alongside the Bike Trail

There are actually quite a few benches along the trail if you need a break. I never used to think about this much but after being on trails where there is no where to sit down to take a break on the entire trail, I have learned to appreciate this simple improvement.


Here's the photo tour of the Millennium trail from the Lakewood Forest Preserve parking area east to the start of the main trail near Mundelein then back west and north to the northern end of the trail near Volo, from June, 2012.

Millennium Trail Photos 1 ~ Mundelein and Lakewood FP < you are here
Millennium Trail Photos 2 ~ Lakewood FP Davis Lake
Millennium Trail Photos 3 ~ Fairfield Road to Sutton Road
Millennium Trail Photos 4 ~ Sutton Road to Singing Hills
Millennium Trail Photos 5 ~ Singing Hills to Volo


Here are the Millennium Trail Fall Photos that I took in the Lakewood Forest Preserve part of the trail east of the Fairfield Road parking. These photos are from 10/16/12.

Millennium Trail Fall Photos 6 ~ Lakewood Forest Preserve
Millennium Trail Fall Photos 7 ~ One Mile Loop, Plus