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The Millennium Trail Photos
Lakewood Forest Preserve and Davis Lake

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Steep Hill on the Millennium Trail

Just after turning around at the Mile 0 marker, heading southwest on the Millennium Trail, there is another steep hill where you need to watch out for loose gravel and watch your speed a little.

Deep woods as seen from the bike trail

A little further down the trail are these woods where there is actually a lot of Old Growth (large old trees). The photo above does not really show them but I am always amazed at these huge trees that have been around for so many years.

Passing through old growth woods on the bike trail

The wooded area as you come down a hill and into a small wetland area and low wooden bridge. The stream that you cross below is actually from the larger Davis Lake (which you can see from the top of the hills just before you get here).

wetlands as seen from the Millennium Trail

As you cross the small wooden bridge ~ heading west ~ you'll see the mossy green wetlands on your right (above).

Mossy stream and bridge as seen from the bike trail

This is the view on your left as you cross the bridge. This small stream actually heads out to Davis Lake although you can't see that far from the bridge.

Lilies in the water by the Millennium Trail

If you go down by the water it is filled with lily pads by the shore. I was hoping to find a frog here but no luck with that today.

Deer crossing the bike trail in Lakewood FP

This deer crossed the path ahead of me. I tried to grab and setup my camera as quickly as possible but the deer had already crossed and was in the grass (wild life photography can be really hard!).

Uphill through the woods

This is coming up the hill and back into the woods again.

Curved Bridge on Bike trail

Another scenic bridge along the Millennium Trail. I don't remember seeing many bridges that actually curved like this one (most are just straight).

Fairfield Road Underpass

Just after the Lakewood parking area (as you head west) you go under Fairfield Road as show with the Tunnel photo above. You still need to cross Fairfield in at least one other location but I believe that they are adding another underpass there.

Here's the photo tour of the Millennium trail from the Lakewood Forest Preserve parking area east to the start of the main trail near Mundelein then back west and north to the northern end of the trail near Volo, from June, 2012.

Millennium Trail Photos 1 ~ Mundelein and Lakewood FP
Millennium Trail Photos 2 ~ Lakewood FP Davis Lake < you are here
Millennium Trail Photos 3 ~ Fairfield Road to Sutton Road
Millennium Trail Photos 4 ~ Sutton Road to Singing Hills
Millennium Trail Photos 5 ~ Singing Hills to Volo

Here are the Millennium Trail Fall Photos that I took in the Lakewood Forest Preserve part of the trail east of the Fairfield Road parking. These photos are from 10/16/12.

Millennium Trail Fall Photos 6 ~ Lakewood Forest Preserve
Millennium Trail Fall Photos 7 ~ One Mile Loop, Plus