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The Millennium Trail Photos
Singing Hills to Volo

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Water pump for horses on MT

The photo above is the water pump at the Singing Hills Forest Preserve parking area off of the Millennium Trail. If you rode your horse here, there's a place to tie em up and water em! :-)

Horse footprint on Millennium Bike Path

Yes, there are horses on this path ~ as you can see from the footprint above. Actually, I'm not joking about this one.

Deer by the trail

and there are plenty of deer around too (I barely got this shot but I missed the really small baby deer that was with this one)...

Deer footprint on Millennium Trail

...as you can see by this footprint (I am pretty sure that this is a deer footprint). The loose crushed stone on this part of the path records a lot of information about the wildlife in the area.

Paved section of MT after Singing Hills Forest Preserve

One really nice thing about this part of the trail (just past the Singing Hills parking area) is that it is paved! After riding so many miles on crushed stone (some loose and some very bumpy) the paved section feels really nice.

Wooden fence and shadow near Volo City Hall

This scene is from just past the Volo City Hall along Fish Lake Road. Once again, this is from my new DSLR camera and I was going for the effect that you get from the lines of the fence and the shadow from the fence in addition to documenting this part of the trail.

Northern end of the Millennium trail

It looks like the trail ends at Route 120 but there is a small extension just past 120. It's only about 1/2 mile so it is not really worth crossing the busy road for, For now, the Millennium Trail ends here with no signs or celebration. Maybe it will be extended in the near future.

Northen extension of MT

This is as I was heading back on the small 1/2 mile extent ion just past Route 120.

Unfinished end to Millennium Trail

And here's the end of the trail on the other side of Route 120. It sure would be nice to have an underpass or overpass here and have the trail extended. For now it is nice that we have these trails and that they are still maintained pretty well.

Here's the photo tour of the Millennium trail from the Lakewood Forest Preserve parking area east to the start of the main trail near Mundelein then back west and north to the northern end of the trail near Volo, from June, 2012.

Millennium Trail Photos 1 ~ Mundelein and Lakewood FP
Millennium Trail Photos 2 ~ Lakewood FP Davis Lake
Millennium Trail Photos 3 ~ Fairfield Road to Sutton Road
Millennium Trail Photos 4 ~ Sutton Road to Singing Hills
Millennium Trail Photos 5 ~ Singing Hills to Volo < you are here

Here are the Millennium Trail Fall Photos that I took in the Lakewood Forest Preserve part of the trail east of the Fairfield Road parking. These photos are from 10/16/12.

Millennium Trail Fall Photos 6 ~ Lakewood Forest Preserve
Millennium Trail Fall Photos 7 ~ One Mile Loop, Plus