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The Millennium Trail Photos
Fairfield Road to Sutton Road

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Convex Mirror by Fairfield Road Underpass

On the west side of the Fairfield Road underpass there is a convex mirror to help riders see what is coming. I haven't seen that on many other trails but I think it's a great idea that could be used at many blind spots (it probably requires funding that is not available not though :-( ).

Millennium Trail sign as the trail heads north

This is the Millennium Trail sign where the trail curves to the right and starts to head more north than west. This is in the Lakewood Forest Preserve on the other side of Fairfield Road (the west site) before you cross route 176.

Open prairie section on the trail

Here's a section of the trail were it comes out of the woods and into the open prairie lands. This is the part of the trail that is north of route 176. You need to cross route 176 at the light (there is no bridge or underpass) and there is a lot of loose gravel just before you get to the intersection. I made it through OK but I can see how you could easily slip on the gravel and end up on the ground.

a Bench and Clearing on Millennium Trail

It's a little shaded in the photo but there is another bench on the right if you need to take a break on the trail.

MT just before Bonner Road

This is where the Millennium Trail connects with a small trail (on the left) just before Bonner Road as you curve off to the right.

Just past Bonner Road on the MT

This is a little mostly shady area just after you cross Bonner Road and before you go off into the woods again.

Old growth tree, bike trail and rail fence.

There is a very "old growth" tree on the right here (this tree is huge!) with the trail, fence and flowers to the right of it.

Fence and flowers alongside the Millennium Trail

I tried to capture how these purple flowers looked in the sunlight as they grew through the fence rails next to the bike path.

Downhill section on Millennium Bike Path

Just past the flowers and fence is a small wooded area and nice break as you go downhill.

Entering neighborhood from bike path

This is the view as you come up to Sutton Road and a small neighborhood.

Here's the photo tour of the Millennium trail from the Lakewood Forest Preserve parking area east to the start of the main trail near Mundelein then back west and north to the northern end of the trail near Volo, from June, 2012.

Millennium Trail Photos 1 ~ Mundelein and Lakewood FP
Millennium Trail Photos 2 ~ Lakewood FP Davis Lake
Millennium Trail Photos 3 ~ Fairfield Road to Sutton Road < you are here
Millennium Trail Photos 4 ~ Sutton Road to Singing Hills
Millennium Trail Photos 5 ~ Singing Hills to Volo

Here are the Millennium Trail Fall Photos that I took in the Lakewood Forest Preserve part of the trail east of the Fairfield Road parking. These photos are from 10/16/12.

Millennium Trail Fall Photos 6 ~ Lakewood Forest Preserve
Millennium Trail Fall Photos 7 ~ One Mile Loop, Plus