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The Millennium Trail Photos
Fall Scenery and One Mile Loop

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Wooden bridge on Millennium Trail

This is the small wooden bridge just before a fairly steep hill on the Millennium Trail. This bridge is west of the Davis Lake area (shown in the previous photo page (#7)) and is part where the trail loops through the woods and around one of the other lakes in the forest preserve.

Fall colors in Lakewood Forest Preserve

This is another colorful section in the Lakewood Forest Preserve part of the MT. The photo above is from the steep hill just after the bridge in the previous photo.

Fall scenery on bike trail

Just before the bridge between the two sections of Davis Lake once again is where I found this fall color scenery

Lake with fall color background

This is one of the lakes on the Millennium Trail with some nice fall colors in the background. There is a fork in the trail here and I explored the other leg of the trail on this ride. the leg that goes around the lake does not go very far but it is nice to see the other side of the lake (especially if you are out here for fall photos).

Lake with cat tails and contrasting cfall colors

As I took the trail that goes around this lake I saw the scene for the photo above. There was really a nice contrast in the fall colors here with the reddish, brownish weeds and cat tails, the dark colored lake and some bright green plants that have not changed yet.

Sunset over lake with autumn colors

The sun was just about to set over the trees on the left of this photo which really brought out the colors in the trees, plant life and lake.

Trees with bright yellow leaves on MT

As I was riding back to where I had parked I noticed how the leaves in the trees above seemed to glow. The trees in the photo above caught some of the last of the sunlight to show off their bright yellow leaves.

Autumn colors on bike trail

And finally, one last splash of color before I rode through the Millennium Trail woods and back to my car. Even though it was a little late in the season I was still able to catch some beautiful autumn colors on the Millennium Trail.

Here's the photo tour of the Millennium trail from the Lakewood Forest Preserve parking area east to the start of the main trail near Mundelein then back west and north to the northern end of the trail near Volo, from June, 2012.

Millennium Trail Photos 1 ~ Mundelein and Lakewood FP
Millennium Trail Photos 2 ~ Lakewood FP Davis Lake
Millennium Trail Photos 3 ~ Fairfield Road to Sutton Road
Millennium Trail Photos 4 ~ Sutton Road to Singing Hills
Millennium Trail Photos 5 ~ Singing Hills to Volo

Here are the Millennium Trail Fall Photos that I took in the Lakewood Forest Preserve part of the trail east of the Fairfield Road parking. These photos are from 10/16/12.

Millennium Trail Fall Photos 6 ~ Lakewood Forest Preserve
Millennium Trail Fall Photos 7 ~ One Mile Loop, Plus < you are here