About-Bicycles > Bike Trails > Fox River Trail North

Fox River Bike Trail North Photos
Wooded Sections Near the Fox River

The Fox River Trail next to the Fox River

There are a few very very short sections of the Fox River Trail that are crushed stone as you head north out of East Dundee however almost all of the rest of the trail is paved. Most of the trail in this area is also very wooded but the photo is one of the open areas where you pass by some nice scenery along the Fox River.

Very shady, wooded section of the FRT

This photo is actually more typical of the scenery along this part of the bike trail. It is very wooded and shady here which makes this trail very nice to ride on those really hot summer days. This is actually one of my favorite bike trails in our area. The only thing that I am not too crazy about is that this trail can get a little congested at peak times and on really nice days so I think it's best to ride this trail at off times (like weekday if possible) or when it is a little colder and there are less people out.

More wooded sections of the bike trail

Continuing north, the photo above shows the FRT as it continues through the woods. Since this is one of my favorite trails it was also one of the trails that I photographed and documented on this site first. So as you can tell from the date of my ride below (July 2003), these photos are pretty old. The trail hasn't really changed much over the years (so far) but digital photography has come a long way and these photos leave a little to be desired. I am still planning on upgrading the older photos on the bike trail photo tours so please be patient.

A short crushed stone section byt the Fox River

Once again we ride into another short section of crushed stone surface on the trail with an opening and some nice scenery along the river. There are also a few picnic tables here if you want to take a break by the river.

Here's a photo tour of the Fox River Trail, from Dundee to Algonquin (south to north). These pictures are from mid July (2003) so it's a little harder to see the shady areas...

Fox River Trail Photos 1 - Dundee to Otto Engineering
Fox River Trail Photos 2 - Wooded sections by the Fox River < You are here
Fox River Trail Photos 3 - Bridges before Algonquin


Continue the photo tour north on the Prairie Trail all the way to Genoa City Wisconsin (below).

The McHenry County Prairie Trail

McHenry Cty Prairie Trail Photos 1 - Starting in Algonquin
McHenry Cty Prairie Trail Photos 2 - Past  the Airport and into Crystal Lake
McHenry Cty Prairie Trail Photos 3 - Crystal Lake to Sterne's Woods
McHenry Cty Prairie Trail Photos 4 - The Hills in Sterne's Woods
McHenry Cty Prairie Trail Photos 5 - From Fort McHenry Park
McHenry Cty Prairie Trail Photos 6-  Dirt Trail into Wisconsin