About-Bicycles > Bike Trails > North Shore Bike Path

North Shore Bike Path Photos
Starting at Old School Trail

(click on any of the bike trail photos to enlarge)

   North Shore Trail and DPRT Intersection 

Here's the intersection of the Des Plaines River Trail and the North Shore Trail towards the western end of the North Shore Trail (NST). We actually started this trip on the DPRT at the Old School Forest Preserve and took the Old School Trail to the NST.

  North Shore Trail and Rt 176 underpass

The North Shore Trail actually continues west for a few more miles from here, into Mundelein, but this is near where we got on the trail for this ride and photo tour heading east to the Green Bay Trail in Lake Bluff.

 Bike Trail Intersection Signs

Another view of the trail intersection (the photos above are from one of my many rides on the Des Plaines River Trail). If you are looking for an east/west route (on a bike trail) and are on the Des Plaines River Trail this a great trail. It's pretty well marked and you just need to look out for the Route 176 underpass. The NST is just south of the underpass.

Old School Trail and NST Intersection

This is the intersection of the North Shore Trail and the Old School trail (I think that's the name of it anyway) where we actually started our 7/4/2006 trip (most of the photos are from this trip). There is a bike trail that goes north from the Old School FP to connect to the North Shore Trail which is what we took to connect with and go east on the NST for this ride.

NS Trail along side Route 176

The North Shore Trail runs parallel to Route 176 for the entire length of the trail (from Mundelein to Lake Bluff). In some places you are right next to the road and other times the NST is a little further from the highway but Route 176 is never far away.

This bike trail is not the most scenic ride in the area but it is probably the best east/west bike trail which allows you to connect to some of the longer and more scenic north/south bike trails and extend your rides for as far as you want to (or are able to) go in one day.



Here's the Photo Tour starting at the Western End of the Trail near Carmel Catholic High School in Mundelein, Illinois to the Des Plaines River Trail - May 5th 2014.

North Shore Bike Path Photos - West Leg to DPRT

The North Shore Bike Path Photo Tour - From the Old School Trail (Libertyville) to the Green Bay Trail (Lake Bluff) - July 4th 2006 (mostly).

North Shore Bike Path Photos 1 - From the Old School Trail < You are here
North Shore Bike Path Photos 2 - From Lambs Farm
North Shore Bike Path Photos 3 -RideĀ Along Route 176
North Shore Bike Path Photos 4 - To the Robert McClory Trail

The Ride is the Destination