About Bicycles Online > Bicycle Touring and Trails > Prospect Heights Trail

Prospect Heights Trail Photos
Lake Arlington Loop and Northwest PHT

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Lake Arlington Boathouse view of lake and trail

This photo is at The Boathouse area at Lake Arlington looking out at the lake. The trail loops around the lake and you can see some of it in the upper left of this photo (you might need to click on the image for the larger version though).

Bike Rack in the Lake

Here's the nice bike rack IN THE LAKE! Well I suppose this is not actually a bike rack but it really looked like one to me but then obviously in a terrible location. If it isn't a bike rack I really can't imagine what it is. There's a nice view of Lake Arlington in the background. though

The rules on the path on the path around Lake Arlington

This is the path that loops around Lake Arlington. As you can see there are plenty of markings on the trail with the rules-of-the-trail. This is also one of those places with tons of RULES posted all over the place.

I don't really care for that but this path or trail does get  really crowded at times so I suppose you do need a lot of rules to keep people using some common sense. These photos were from a pretty cool day in May so the crowds were not bad then.


Lake Arling Trail and the lake

Once again the Trail that loops around Lake Arlington. This photo is looking the other direction (facing west).

Country Gardens Park NW end of Prospect Heights Trail

When you leave Lake Arlington (on the east side of the lake) you go through a residential area on E. Towne Blvd and N. Lake Arlington Dr, and cross Schoenbeck Road.

This is the northwest end of the Prospect Heights Trail where you go through a couple of parks like the one on the photo above.


Prospect Hts trail winding through the parks

This is a really pretty part of the PHT as it winds through the parks and over some streams.

Bridge on the Prospect Heights trail

The photo above show where the PH trail across the bridge and over one of the streams in the area. This is just before the trail starts following the power lines.


Prospect Heights and Lake Arlington Trails Photo Tour

Here's the photo tour of the Prospect Heights and Lake Arlington Trails with plenty of photos and first hand riding details. This ride was from May, 2016.

Prospect Heights Trail Home

Prospect Heights Trail Photos 1 - Lake Arlington and NW PHT < you are here
Prospect Heights Trail Photos 2 - Power Plant along the PHT
Prospect Heights Trail Photos 3 - South of Palatine Road

Photos in the Photo Tour © Copyright Rob Chapman, about-bicycles.com.