About Bicycles Online > Bicycle Touring and Trails > Moraine Hills Bike Paths

The Moraine Hills Bike Paths
Viewing Platform to Northern Woods

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Sun and shade contrast from viewing platform

The photo above is from the Black Tern Marsh viewing platform on the east side of the marsh. There is quite a contrast between the shaded viewing area and the bright and sunny scenery in the distance.

looking back from the Black Tern Marsh Viewing Platform

This is looking back from the all wooden viewing platform. There was a mowed path that went off into the distance here but I did not explore where it went or how far.

The steps up to bike from viewing platform

The steps going back up and my bike at the top (which is hard to see because of the busy background). It is definitely worth going out to the viewing platforms from the main trail since it provides a good variety of scenes to your ride and the scenery from the platform is pretty nice too.

Back into the sun on Moraine Hills Path

As I left the Black Tern Marsh Viewing Platform and rode through another short wooded area the trees thinned out and I started to come out into the sun once again.

Tunnel under River Road to Moraine Hills Park

Here is where the path crosses under River Road going in the other direction (mostly east in this situation).

Junction B on Moraine Hills Trail

This is Junction B southwest of Lake Defiance. This is in the part of the park that is east of River Road now. As I mentioned previously, many of these trails are One Way for Bikes and you are supposed to go right here.

I did go to the right but at the northern end of this section I took the loop that goes west (left) around the Leatherleaf Bog Nature Preserve and back down to meet up with this part of the trail again (from the left).

Heading north on bike path

So I actually ended up riding this section (a little north of Junction B) two times. It is a nice part of the trail and not that long so I didn't mind the rerun here.

Park by the Northern Woods part of the bike trail

There is a park and more parking here which is by the Northern Woods (north of Lake Defiance) and Opossum Run.

The Northern Woods section of Moraine Hills

OK, this is where we get into the more wooded part of the ride. Technically, I believe that they call this the Northern Woods. If not they should.

Here's the photo tour of the Moraine Hills Bike Paths from Pike Marsh, down the River Road Trail, back to the Moraine Hills Trail to the Fox River and the McHenry Dam, north past Yellow Head Marsh through the Northern Woods, around Leatherleaf Bog and then around Lake Defiance and back from July, 2012.

Moraine Hills Paths Photo Page 1 - Pike Marsh to Tunnel
Moraine Hills Paths Photo Page 2 - McHenry Dam to Black Tern Marsh
Moraine Hills Paths Photo Page 3 - Viewing Platform to N. Woods < you are here
Moraine Hills Paths Photo Page 4 - Northern Woods to Lake Defiance
Moraine Hills Paths Photo Page 5 - Opossum Run to Pine Marsh Junction