About Bicycles Online > Bicycle Touring and Trails > Moraine Hills Bike Paths

The Moraine Hills Bike Paths
Northern Woods to Lake Defiance

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Ridge on Bike Path through Northern Woods

As I continued my Moraine Hills ride on the northern part of the trail (the loop that is north and west of Lake Defiance) I came to another one of the paved parts of the trail along a higher ridge in this area.

Sunlight through the trees in Moraine Hills State Park

Late in the day the sunlight looked pretty nice as it made its way through the trees. This is one of the most wooded parts of the trail system.

Ridge and Woods on Moraine Hills Bike Trail

This is still on a little bit of a ridge and there are some wetlands off to the left here.

Fox Hollow Nature Path, Moraine Hills Park

There is a path off to the left here called the Fox Hollow Nature Path. Unfortunately the sign at the entrance said no bikes. I would like to explore that path at some point but my goal on this ride was to ride the entire Moraine Hills trail system and I only had a limited amount of time.

Burned tree stump along Moraine Hills Bike Trail

As I was coming up to Junction B (from the other direction) I wasn't sure what I was seeing on the left side of the trail.

Close-up of burned out tree stump by bike trail

As I got closer to explore I saw that it was an old burned out tree stump. I'm not sure how this single burned out tree stump got here but I decided that it looked interesting enough for a close-up photo.

Paved and wooded section of Moraine Hills Path

This is the part of the trail that I rode twice in order to take both of the main loops on this side of the trail (since the trails are one way for bikes). There was a small paved and fairly wooded section of the Moraine Hills Trails at this point.

Bike Rider in Moraine Hills

My ride on this trail was on a really hot day and it was a weekday so I saw very few other riders. I snapped a photo of one of the only other riders that I saw that day after he passed by.

Lake Defiance in distance from bike trail

This is Lake Defiance way off in the distance as seen from the west.

Here's the photo tour of the Moraine Hills Bike Paths from Pike Marsh, down the River Road Trail, back to the Moraine Hills Trail to the Fox River and the McHenry Dam, north past Yellow Head Marsh through the Northern Woods, around Leatherleaf Bog and then around Lake Defiance and back from July, 2012.

Moraine Hills Paths Photo Page 1 - Pike Marsh to Tunnel
Moraine Hills Paths Photo Page 2 - McHenry Dam to Black Tern Marsh
Moraine Hills Paths Photo Page 3 - Viewing Platform to Northern Woods
Moraine Hills Paths Photo Page 4 - Northern Woods Lake Defiance < you are here
Moraine Hills Paths Photo Page 5 - Opossum Run to Pine Marsh Junction