About-Bicycles > Bike Trails > Green Bay Bike Trail

Green Bay and Robert McClory Trail Photos
through Lake Forest

(click on any of the bike trail photos to enlarge)

North Shore Bike Path intersection (See the blowup photo to actually read the sign...)

This is the connection to the North Shore Bike Path intersection from the Robert McClorey Trail near Lake Bluff (See the blowup photo to actually read the sign...).

I actually took this trail west for a very short distance at this point (about a mile) just to check out where it went out to Route 176 at this point. I didn't go far because my goal was still to get to the Green Bay Trail.

This is actually a nice paved path here on the northern section.

Back on the RMT and to another highway/railroad tracks section. This is actually a nice paved path here on the southern part of the RM trail even though it is not far from the road (shown on the right in this photo).

This is the Lake Forest Train station.

Continuing south you come into Lake Forest. You need to cross some streets as you pass through town here and the trail really follows the sidewalks and the train station parking lot at this point. The photo above is the Lake Forest Train station.

You go between the highway and the train tracks for a while

You get back on to the regular trail again south of Lake Forest and you ride between the highway and the train tracks for a while here. It's not as scenic here but it is pretty flat and open so you can build up a little speed here if you like.

We started our trip here, where we found some decent looking free parking

This is Highwood where we started our trip. We found some decent looking free parking here. Although we started out going north I have arranged the photos so this photo all goes from north to south.

The photo tour above was actually the first time that we had ridden both of the trails (Robert McClorey and Green Bay (which I have ridden many times since)) so we actually were not sure how far we were going to go and which direction was the best. This is why we went north to the Naval Station then turned around and went south back to here and then on to Glencoe.

There are some pros and cons about the northern and southern parts of the RM and GB trails. Although the Robert McClorey Trail goes all the way north to Wisconsin, I'm not too crazy about the parts that passes through North Chicago and Waukeegan.

Green Bay Trail, Robert McClory Trail  Photo Tour - from Great Lakes, Illinois south to Glencoe, Illinois (May, 2005), then south to Wilmette (April, 2012).

Green Bay, Robert McClory Trail Photos 1 - Starting in Great Lakes, Il.
Green Bay, Robert McClory Trail Photos 2 - Through Lake Forest < You are here
Green Bay, Robert McClory Trail Photos 3 - Lake Michigan Side Trip
Green Bay, Robert McClory Trail Photos 4 - Through Highland Park
Green Bay, Robert McClory Trail Photos 5 - Wooded areas and Ravinia
Green Bay Trail Photos 6 (Glencoe)
Green Bay Trail Photos 7 (Glencoe, Winnetka)
Green Bay Trail Photos 8 (Winnetka)
Green Bay Trail Photos 9 (Kenilworth, Wilmette)

The Ride is the Destination