About Bicycles Online > Bicycle Touring and Trails > Thorn Creek Trail

Thorn Creek Trail Photos
Sweet Woods and Northeast Section

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Thorn Creek Trail in Sweet Woods

This is where we started our Thorn Creek Trail (TCT) ride at Sweet Woods. This is not too far from the northeast end of the trail so we rode that part of the trail first then rode to the southwest end of the trail.

An open prairie part of the Thorn Creek Trail

This is one of the open prairie parts of the Thorn Creek Trail that we rode through after we rode to the end of the trail which is just southeast of Lansing Indiana.

Coming out of the woods on the TCT

This photo is where the trail comes through the woods, after the open prairie parts, and runs right next to Glenwood Lancing Road briefly where the guard rail is ahead in the photo.

A straight part of the TCT

The entire trail is paved and fairly flat. the photo above is one of the straighter parts of the trail as we rode back into a wooded part of the trail.

Crossing 394 on Thorn Creek Trail

The bridge at the top of this photo is where the TCT crosses 394 next to Glenwood Lansing Road. The trail runs east and west here near Glenwood Lansing Road until the turn at the farm in the photo below.


The TCT curve at Cottage Grove Ave

This is where the TCT turns from west to north (in our case) and runs along South Cottage Grove Avenue. From here we went back to Sweet Woods where we started and rode to the southwest end of the trail which is where the photos on the next page begin.


Thorn Creek Trail Photo Tour

Here's the photo tour of the Thorn Creek Trail with plenty of first hand riding details. This ride was from October, 2016.

Thorn Creek Trail Home

Thorn Creek Trail Photos 1 - Northeast Part of the Trail < you are here
Thorn Creek Trail Photos 2 - Sauk Trail Woods to OPRT
Thorn Creek Trail Photos 3 - Back to Sweet Woods


Thorn Creek Trail Video on YouTube

Here's the video of the Thorn Creek Trail that I posted on YouTube.

Thorn Creek Trail Video

Photos © Copyright Rob Chapman, about-bicycles.com. Photos with * Copyright Dale Kiffel.