About Bicycles Online > Bicycle Touring and Trails > Thorn Creek Trail

Thorn Creek Trail Photos
Joe Orr Road to Sweet Woods

(click on any photo to enlarge)

Pavilion near Joe Orr Road and TCT

This is a little pavilion structure with some picnic tables where we had our lunch/snack on this ride. This was just off of Joe Orr Road.

Crossing the Thorn Creek on TCT

After our break we continued north, and a little west, on the Thorn Creek Trail. I believe that the bridge in the photo above is one of the places where the TCT crosses the Thorn Creek.

Straight section of the Thorn Creek Trail

The photo above shows one of the straighter parts of the trail. Just after you go west a little along Joe Orr Road the trail heads straight north and is very straight and flat.

Pavilion on Thorn Creek Trail

As you go through the woods and forest preserves there are some pavilions as you see in the photo above.

Thorn Creek Trail Bridge over railroad tracks*

The HDR photo above was taken by Dale Kiffel and is the bridge over the railroad tracks at the northern part of the trail just before Sweet Woods where we started our ride. Dale often gets very artistic photos and this one is no exception as he caught this bridge in the early evening sunlight.

A bridge crossing a stream on TCT

OK back to the woods (and my not so artistic photos). This is the TCT as it crosses a stream in the northern most part of the trail.

Pavilion at Sweet Woods

And finally here is the TCT and the pavilion at Sweet Wood, just off of Cottage Grove Avenue, where we started our ride. We rode 30 miles ~ round trip ~ on this trail and it is a very nice trail especially if you prefer paved trails.

Thorn Creek Trail Photo Tour

Here's the photo tour of the Thorn Creek Trail with plenty of first hand riding details. This ride was from October, 2016.

Thorn Creek Trail Home

Thorn Creek Trail Photos 1 - Northeast Part of the Trail
Thorn Creek Trail Photos 2 - Sauk Trail Woods to OPRT
Thorn Creek Trail Photos 3 - Back to Sweet Woods < you are here


Thorn Creek Trail Video on YouTube

Here's the video of the Thorn Creek Trail that I posted on YouTube.

Thorn Creek Trail Video

Photos © Copyright Rob Chapman, about-bicycles.com. Photos with * Copyright Dale Kiffel.