About-Bicycles > Bike Trails > Elroy-Sparta-Bike-Trail

Elroy-Sparta Trail Photos
Scenery and Campgrounds along the Trail

Approaching a wooden bridge on Elroy Sparta Bike Trail

Continuing my trip on the Elroy Sparta Bike trail heading east from Sparta towards Elroy we come across some of the typical scenery for this part of the trail. This is east of Wilton, Wisconsin.

Wooden Bridge on ES Trail, Wisconsin

Crossing another one of the wooden bridge on the ES trail. The trail is actually very flat compared to the surrounding area.

Highway overpass on EST

Coming up to one of the highway overpasses (ahead and on the right). Most of the roads that you cross are county roads with very little traffic. I can't say what the road ahead is but the trail also zig zags across Route 71 since it runs close this road all the way from Sparta to Elroy.

Horse and Pony rides near ES Bike Trail

There are Horse/Pony rides and rentals advertised right along side this part of the trail. I have never come across horseback riders on the Elroy Sparta or 400 State Trails but I have seen that they have posted guidelines for sharing the trail with horseback riders on the main Elroy Sparta website so I have to assume that they are allowed on the trails.

You also usually see other signs that horses use the trail, including hoof prints and the remainder of the fuel that the horses have used :-) when you ride on trails that also allow equestrian traffic. In this case I did not see any evidence of HB riders on this trail.

There was also a campground area near the horse stables that I passed on this ride. There is a gate on the left as you pass the stables and campground so my guess is that this gate is to allow access to the trail..

Tunnel Trail Campground

One of the many campground along the trail and in this part of Wisconsin.This one looks like more of a full service camping area. As I mentioned on one of the previous bike trail photo pages for this trail, I have been editing and updating content on these pages a little after the fact and I can't say for sure if this particular campground is still here or not. It might be and it might not be since they have a tenancy to come and go. If this one is no longer here then there will still plenty of others since this is such a popular vacation and tourist area.

The Elroy-Sparta bike trail photo tour, from Sparta, Wisconsin south and east to Elroy, Wisconsin (July, 2003).

Elroy-Sparta Trail Photos 1 - Sparta Trail Head and the Bridge Over I90
Elroy-Sparta Trail Photos 2 - Past Interstate 90 Bridge to Tunnel #3
Elroy-Sparta Trail Photos 3 - Entering Deep, Dark Tunnel #3
Elroy-Sparta Trail Photos 4 - Passing Through Tunnel #3
Elroy-Sparta Trail Photos 5 - Passing Through Norwalk, Wisconsin
Elroy-Sparta Trail Photos 6 - Approaching Tunnel Number 2
Elroy-Sparta Trail Photos 7 - Passing Through Tunnel #2
Elroy-Sparta Trail Photos 8 - Tunnel #2 and Mossy Rock Walls
Elroy-Sparta Trail Photos 9 - Through Wilton Wisconsin
Elroy-Sparta Trail Photos 10 - Scenery and Campgrounds < You are here
Elroy-Sparta Trail Photos 11 - Approaching Tunnel #1
Elroy-Sparta Trail Photos 12 - Tunnel Number One to Kendall Depot
Elroy-Sparta Trail Photos 13 - Kendall Depot and Wisconsin Bench Wisdom
Elroy-Sparta Trail Photos 14 - Ironsided Bridges and Elroy
Elroy-Sparta Trail Photos 15 - Wisconsin Scenery