About-Bicycles > Bike Trails > Elroy-Sparta-Bike-Trail

Elroy-Sparta Trail
Entering Deep, Dark Tunnel #3

Tunnel #3 on Elroy Sparta Trail

Tunnel #3 (the longest tunnel at 3/4 of a mile). Unlike the other 2 tunnels, you can't really see the opening at the other end of this tunnel until you go into it a little bit. This is also the wettest tunnel. You feel the cool air as you approach the tunnel and there are small streams on either side of the path (inside and outside of the tunnel) from the tunnel drainage...

Bikes Must be Walked sign

OK, I confess, I have ridden (very slowly) through parts of the tunnel when there was no one else around... but I would have to suggest following this rule especially if there are other people around or if you don't have a light on your bike. Actually I'm not sure if you could ride without a light here.

Need bike lights for Elroy Sparta tunnels

I talked to some people that made it through the shorter tunnels (#1 and #2) without a light, but I really can't imagine not having a light for this one (i.e. tunnel #3)

Light at the end of the tunnel!

The "light at the end of the tunnel" (part way through Tunnel #3) (the tracks are gone so you don't need to worry about it being a freight train! :-) ). I love that saying though and this particular view really shows how that might look.

Silhouttes at the end of tunnel #3

It can give you an uneasy feeling to see the silhouttes of people (that look like they are hanging out) at the other end of the tunnel... but I felt better when I could make out the bikes and realized that they are just trying to get through the darkness too...

You can catch the outline of the tunnel rocks as you approach the light. The light glimmering off the rock walls has a really cool effect here. Once again, sorry this photo is a little blurry and does not capture the feel as well as I would like. There are some much better photos on the following photo page (#4) in this photo tour though.

The Elroy-Sparta bike trail photo tour, from Sparta, Wisconsin south and east to Elroy, Wisconsin (July, 2003).

Elroy-Sparta Trail Photos 1 - Sparta Trail Head and the Bridge Over I90
Elroy-Sparta Trail Photos 2 - Past Interstate 90 Bridge to Tunnel #3
Elroy-Sparta Trail Photos 3 - Entering Deep, Dark Tunnel #3 < You are here
Elroy-Sparta Trail Photos 4 - Passing Through Tunnel #3
Elroy-Sparta Trail Photos 5 - Passing Through Norwalk, Wisconsin
Elroy-Sparta Trail Photos 6 - Approaching Tunnel Number 2
Elroy-Sparta Trail Photos 7 - Passing Through Tunnel #2
Elroy-Sparta Trail Photos 8 - Tunnel #2 and Mossy Rock Walls
Elroy-Sparta Trail Photos 9 - Through Wilton Wisconsin
Elroy-Sparta Trail Photos 10 - Scenery and Campgrounds along the Trail
Elroy-Sparta Trail Photos 11 - Approaching Tunnel #1
Elroy-Sparta Trail Photos 12 - Tunnel Number One to Kendall Depot
Elroy-Sparta Trail Photos 13 - Kendall Depot and Wisconsin Bench Wisdom
Elroy-Sparta Trail Photos 14 - Ironsided Bridges and Elroy
Elroy-Sparta Trail Photos 15 - Wisconsin Scenery