About Bicycles Online > Bicycle Touring and Trails > Fox River Trail

Fox River Trail North Photos
Algonquin and Prairie Trail

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Prairie Trail near Alginquin

Just before you get to Main Street (Route 31) and the park in Algonquin (looking north) . Technically this is the McHenry County Prairie Trail (MPT) at this point but you just connect to this trail seamlessly at the northern end of the Fox River Trail (FRT).

The trail is brand new here (in late fall of 2020)  since they just completed a big construction project in this part of Algonquin including the bridge just after you cross the Fox River.

Prairie Trail crossing bridges at Fox River

This is where I  started my ride going south through Dundee and to Elgin I am about to go over the double bridges including the new one just before the Fox River.

New bridge on Prairie Trail

This is the new bridge that goes over a neighborhood street in Algonquin just before the river. This photo was taken right after this bridge was completed in late fall 2020 and shows a walkway down to the neighborhood road on the left.

Bike Trail bridge over the Fox River, Algonquin

And this photo is from the old wooden bridge over the Fox RIver. The river is pretty wide here and this is a pretty long bridge (that has been here for decades).

Bike Trail bridge over the Fox River, Algonquin

Another little view of the bridge and river as the FRT crosses the Fox River before going into the town of Algonquin.

View of the bike trail bridge over the Fox River

One last view of the double bridges (old and new) looking north before I continued my ride south to Dundee and Elgin.

Prairie Trail fall scene, near Algonquin

Just after the bridges you see a pretty typical view of the pretty heavily wooded trail on this part of the FRT. This is a great trail in the summer with the various wooded sections for shade.

Prairie Trail and Fox River Trail intersection

The photo above is as you come up to the actual / official northern end of the Fox River Trail where it connects to the Prairie Trail.

Fox River Trail Home  - Fox River Trail Home Page - On about-bicycles.com

Fox River Trail North Photo Tour

Here's the photo tour of the northern end of The Fox River Trail from Elgin to Algonquin with plenty of first  hand riding details. This ride was from Fall of 2020..

FRT North Photos1 - Algonquin and Prairie Trail < you are here
FRT North Photos2 - Prairie Trail to Dundee
FRT North Photos3  - Dundee, Otto Engineering Park
FRT North Photos4 - Thru Downtown Dundee
FRT North Photos5 - I90 Underpass, Pratt's Castle, Elgin


Photos © Copyright Rob Chapman, about-bicycles.com.