About Bicycles Online > Bicycle Touring and Trails > Fox River Trail

Fox River Trail North Photos
I90 Underpass, Pratt's Castle, Elgin

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Fox RIver Trail Interstate 90 underpass

Continuing south on the Fox River Trail (FRT) between Dundee and Elgin the trail goes under Interstate 90, shown in the distance in the photo above.

Fox River Trail new Trout Park

The FRT is mostly smooth here but there are some rough patches. This photo is just south of I90 near the Trout Park Rivers Edge entrance and before the castle.

View of Castle on Fox River Trail

Yes, there is a castle along the bike trail. The next 2 photos show what is called Pratt's Castle which is along the trail just north of the town of Elgin.

The castle is definitely an interesting structure, a nice landmark on the trail and maybe worthy of a few photos but that's about it. The castle is privately owned and there is no access or trespassing.

Pratt's Castle seen from bike trail north of Elgin

I'm not going to post all that have learned about Pratt's Castle since these pages are about the Fox RIver Trail and there is plenty of information on the internet about this already.  I will include a link at the bottom of this page though if you are interested in this and want to know more.

One bad thing that I have noticed about this location is that there must be some sewage treatment or something going on here since it is usually very stinky here (especially on a humid day). So I sometimes think of this as Stinky Castle :-)  Maybe not so great if they ever want to open this up to the public...


Fox River Trail at Elgin Water Station

Then after the castle, you go past the Elgin Water Treatment building and Slade Avenue Park. SInce it has the water treatment and park too I call this area the "water park" (for easy reference).

It actually does not stink in this location like it does at the castle so I guess they ship the bad stuff up the river to the castle or process the water here in the cleaner part of the river.

Fox River Trail coming into  ELgin from the north

Then after the water park (water plant and park area) the FRT has one more wooded section before you get to the Library park area and downtown Elgin.



Fox River Trail Home  - Fox River Trail Home Page - On about-bicycles.com

Fox River Trail North Photo Tour

Here's the photo tour of the northern end of The Fox River Trail from Elgin to Algonquin with plenty of first  hand riding details. This ride was from Fall of 2020..

FRT North Photos1 - Algonquin and Prairie Trail
FRT North Photos2 - Prairie Trail to Dundee
FRT North Photos3  - Dundee, Otto Engineering Park
FRT North Photos4 - Thru Downtown Dundee
FRT North Photos5 - I90 Underpass, Pratt's Castle, Elgin < you are here

The photo pages below are older photos and goes the opposite direction (south to north). So if you are continuing the Photo Tour from north to south (above) then you might want to start with photo page 10 (Also around I90) and go from page 10 to page 1...

Continue to > Fox River Trail South PhotoTour

Here's the Fox River Trail photo tour (South to North) from Geneva, Illinois to Dundee Illinois, September 2007 (with updates from July, 2011).

Fox River Trail (S) Photos 1 - Geneva, Illinois
Fox River Trail (S) Photos 2 - Through St. Charles
Fox River Trail (S) Photos 3 - To Tekakwitha Woods
Fox River Trail (S) Photos 4 - The Long Bridges
Fox River Trail (S) Photos 5 - Stearns Rd Bridge and S. Elgin
Fox River Trail (S) Photos 6 - South Elgin Dam to Winding Hills
Fox River Trail (S) Photos 7 - Old Stone Tunnel and Bridge
Fox River Trail (S) Photos 8 - Grand Victoria Riverboat, Elgin
Fox River Trail (S) Photos 9 - Elgin and Dam on the Fox River
Fox River Trail (S) Photos 10 - Elgin North and Under I90

Here's that link to Pratt's Castle (the castle along the bike trail) that I said I would post here. Pratt's Castle on the Historic Elgin website.

Photos © Copyright Rob Chapman, about-bicycles.com.