About-Bicycles > Bike Trails > Fox River Bike Trail South

Fox River Trail South Photos
Stearns Road Bridge and South Elgin

(Click on any of the bike trail photos to enlarge)

Bridge along the Fox River Trail

This section of the Fox River Trail is just south of South Elgin, is right alongside the river and has this fantastic bridge view!!! The bridge ahead in the photo above is a very old bridge that crosses the Fox River.

I believe that this may have originally been a railway bridge since there are no roads that cross the Fox River between Stearns Road and State Street in South Elgin. What a contrast between the old bridge above and the new Stearns Road bridge below.

The New Stearns Road Bridge from the Fox River Trail

Here's an updated photo, from July 2011, looking back at the new Stearns Road bridge. Stearns Road is on top and the pedestrian crossing is below. I did a little exploring after this bridge was built and crossed to the other side (east of the Fox River) and the bike path just ended there. I know that there was a lot of planning put into the bridge construction project and there were a lot of improvements to this area so I thought that the path would continue on the other side. For now, the bike path just ends on the other side but I believe that it may get extended in the near future.

Crossing the Fox River on the Stearns Road Bridge

You can also cross the river at the new Stearns Road bridge. The photo above is how you would cross the Fox River from the FRT on the new bridge. The road is above us here. This photo compliments of Dale Kiffel.

Fox River Trail next to the river

Shortly after the new bridge you ride right next to the river for a little while... It's really beautiful here. Note, the new bridge photos (above) are more current and use our much upgraded cameras. The photo directly above is from the original ride again and from my older digital camera.

I hope to upgrade these photos soon, but I also like the older photos for historical purposes. The Fox River Trail may have had improvements over the years but some places are exactly the same and the trail itself goes mostly still follows the same path.

Fox River Trail through the woods

This is the Fox River Trail just past where the trail runs right next to the Fox River in the photos above and just before it goes next to the train tracks.

Bike repair Station on the Fox river Trail

Note that there is a BIKE REPAIR Station, in Seba Park, just before the bridge in South Elgin. This could be very handy if you need it but it does not seem to be marked very well on the trail so you could miss it if you did not know that it is here.

At the time I took this photo this little repair station was new and everything was in good working order. I hope that they maintain this and that is stays that way.

Bridge crossing the Fox River in South Elgin

This is as you pass the county park (Seba Park, with the bike repair station) and cross the river in South Elgin on the bridge.

The sidewalk as you cross the bridge

This is the view of the State Street Bridge as you cross the Fox River. There is a nice concrete wall on the traffic side of this crossing.

Going under the bridge in South Elgin

You do a couple of sharp turns after you cross the bridge then you come back around and go under the bridge again as you continue north on the Fox River Trail.

Here's the Fox River Trail photo tour (south to north) from Geneva, Illinois (heading north) to Dundee Illinois, September 2007.

Fox River Trail (S) Photos 1 - Geneva, Illinois
Fox River Trail (S) Photos 2 - Through St. Charles
Fox River Trail (S) Photos 3 - To Tekakwitha Woods
Fox River Trail (S) Photos 4 - The Long Bridges
Fox River Trail (S) Photos 5 - Stearns Rd Bridge and S. Elgin < You are here
Fox River Trail (S) Photos 6 - South Elgin Dam to Winding Hills
Fox River Trail (S) Photos 7 - Old Stone Tunnel and Bridge
Fox River Trail (S) Photos 8 - Grand Victoria Riverboat, Elgin
Fox River Trail (S) Photos 9 - Elgin and Dam on the Fox River
Fox River Trail (S) Photos 10 - Elgin North and Under I90