About Bicycles Online > Bicycle Touring and Trails > Oak Leaf Trail

Oak Leaf Trail Photos
Lake Michigan near Cudahy

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Oak Leaf Trail and Signs

There are many sections of the Oak Leaf Trail (OLT) near the cities of South Milwaukee and Oak Creek in south eastern Wisconsin. The sign above is near the northern end of the trail at an opening with a view of Lake Michigan,

Bench overlooking Lake Michigan

The trail wraps around behind this bench that looks out over Lake Michigan at this point. The OLT goes right out to the beach on Lake Michigan just a little north of this point,  Due to our late start we did not have enough daylight to ride the northern most part of the trail on this particular ride (I hope to get to that part of the trail soon).

Lake Michigan and Milwaukee, Wis in the distance

This is photo looking north from the same opening to Lake Michigan that I described above. The foreground is Lake Michigan and way off in the distance, in the fog, you can make out the skyline of the city of Milwaukee.

If you click on the photo for the larger image you can see the city a little better. The Oak Leaf Trail ends just south of the city of Milwaukee but you can continue on bike friendly roads into Milwaukee from the end of the trail.

Wide angle view of Lake Michigan

Above is a wide angle view of Lake Michigan at the opening along the Oak Leaf Trail. I like taking some wide angle shots to get a better feel for the bike trails.

Wide angle view of Oak Leaf Trail in Wisconsin

Speaking of wide angle photos, this one shows the Oak Leaf Trail on the right as we were riding south near Cudahy, Wisconsin. The lake is off in the distance to the left at this point and the trail is well groomed and goes through Sheridan Park, a nice open park with tall trees, just south of here.

Shooting Range on Lake Michigan

After you go through Sheridan Park, heading south you go past a shooting range. The sign on the building says Cudahy Sportsmen's Club. No one was out shooting at anything (including us :-) ) as we ride past this part of the trail.

Cudahy Shooting Range, Oak Leaf Trail

At first I was not sure what this was ~ until I read the sign on the building. I'm also not sure what this would be like if you rode by when the club was open and people were shooting...

Trees along Wisconsin Bike Trail

The photo above is the OLT as it passes a line of trees on the right with a view of Lake Michigan off to the left just past the shooting range.


Oak Leaf Trail Photo Tour

Here's the photo tour of the Oak Leaf Bike Trail from Cudahy, Wisconsin, just south of Milwaukee, along the Oak Creek Parkway around the city of South Milwaukee to the southern most part of the trail at County Line Road. This ride was from August, 2015.

Oak Leaf Trail Home

Oak Leaf Trail SE Photos 1 - Lake Michigan, Cudahy < you are here
Oak Leaf Trail SE Photos 2 - Grant Park
Oak Leaf Trail SE Photos 3 - Oak Creek Parkway

Here's the photo tour of the Oak Leaf Bike Trail Northern sections from Lake Park North of Milwaukee, along the beach area on Lake Michigan, north and along the Milwaukee River parts of the trail. This ride was from June 2017.

Oak Leaf Trail NE Photos 1 - Silver Spring to Milwaukee River
Oak Leaf Trail NE Photos 2 - Milwaukee River to Lake Michigan

All Photos © Copyright Rob Chapman, about-bicycles.com.