About Bicycles Online > Bicycle Touring and Trails > Oak Leaf Trail

Oak Leaf Trail Photos
Oak Creek Parkway

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Oak Creek Parkway sign

I don't know if they actually call this part of the trail the "Oak Leaf Trail" but there is a trail next to the Oak Creek Parkway which follows the Oak Creek north and then south and is a very nice ride.

When you get the the northern most point of the Oak Creek Parkway, just past 15'th avenue you can get on the official Oak Leaf Trail heading south and the west to the southern end of the OLT where we started our ride.

Oak Creek Parkway and trail

This photo shows where the trail runs alongside the Oak Creek Parkway. Either one is pretty nice to ride on here and we saw a few deer on the side of the road here (but I was too slow to get my camera out for the wildlife shot).

Railway tunnel on on Oak Creek Parkway

The photo above is where O ak Creek Parkway, and the trail go through the tunnel under the railroad tracks. The trail curves off to the right.

Railway tunnel and bike trail next to Oak Creek

This photo is under the tunnel where the trail runs right alongside Oak Creek.

Parkway tunnel

And finally this photo is looking back at the tunnel that we just went through. OK, it's just a short tunnel but I thought it looked interesting and was a little different that the other scenery on this part of the trail.

Deer in distance from Oak Creek Parkway

A little further along on the Parkway part of the trail we ran across this deer off in the distance. If you check out Oak Creek Parkway on the map it shows that it pretty much wraps around the city of South Milwaukee. It also circles South Milwaukee High School.

Just to be clear, for those of you who are not familiar with this area, South Milwaukee is a town in Wisconsin that is located south of the city of Milwaukee. It is not just the south part of Milwaukee.

Less wooded part of the trail

The trail gets a little more open / less wooded as we continued south and west on the OLT away from the town of South Milwaukee. This part of the trail is somewhere south of Rawson Ave and north of Drexel Ave. We were running out of daylight as we rode this part of the trail.

Bike Trail next to Drexel Ave.

The photo above is where the trail runs parallel to Drexel Ave (see on the right). There were a couple of apple trees on the left here and we stopped for a little natural snack when we started our trip and were heading the other direction. THey were OK but pretty green and not all that good.

Oak Leaf Trail next to powerlines.


OK, one final photo of where the trail runs next to the power lines south of Drexel Ave and on our way south to the  southern end of trail at County Line Road where we parked and started our trip.

There were gates at many of the road crossings on this part of the trail that we really had to look out for since I miscalculated the hours of daylight that we had and we rode this part of the trail in the dark (which I do not recommend).

All in all we had a really nice 31 mile ride on this trail and there was a variety of scenery including open prairies, small towns, wooded scenes with Lake Michigan in the distance, well groomed parks and even rides along the beaches of Lake Michigan.

Oak Leaf Trail Photo Tour

Here's the photo tour of the Oak Leaf Bike Trail from Cudahy, Wisconsin, just south of Milwaukee, along the Oak Creek Parkway around the city of South Milwaukee to the southern most part of the trail at County Line Road. This ride was from August, 2015.

Oak Leaf Trail Home

Oak Leaf Trail SE Photos 1 - Lake Michigan, Cudahy
Oak Leaf Trail SE Photos 2 - Grant Park
Oak Leaf Trail SE Photos 3 - Oak Creek Parkway < you are here

Here's the photo tour of the Oak Leaf Bike Trail Northern sections from Lake Park North of Milwaukee, along the beach area on Lake Michigan, north and along the Milwaukee River parts of the trail. This ride was from June 2017.

Oak Leaf Trail NE Photos 1 - Silver Spring to Milwaukee River
Oak Leaf Trail NE Photos 2 - Milwaukee River to Lake Michigan


All Photos © Copyright Rob Chapman, about-bicycles.com.